Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.
It’s funny how this prompt came up today.
First let me tell you a story.
According to my archives, on this day in 2003, I moved to Florida. It was a huge decision to uproot my family and start a new life in another country once again.
See, I grew up in the Philippines and I also left that country to come to Canada.
Now, both times I can still remember how alone and lonely I was for a number of years.
I didn’t know anyone. I had no friends. Starting your life over is not an easy task.
Going back to my first sentence in this post, the reason why I said that the Daily Prompt question was funny is because on this date, 4 years ago, I left the States and moved back to Canada again.
Once more, I left the life I have built, the friends I have gained and everything I have worked hard for.
Sure, I left to be with my wife, but it was a decision I was forced to do because the government whose leader wears a red baseball hat and can barely form a coherent, logical sentence drove me out of the country by using COVID as his agenda for immigration.
That’s another story that I will write down here for another time.
What I really wanted to say from all of this senseless ramblings is that, it has been 4 years that I have restarted my life back and still feel lost, alone and out of place.
Weird thing is, this time, it feels like it will never change.