Remember this?
Back to Friday 5!
Man, I haven’t done this in a while.
Let’s revisit how fun the questions are
and I will try my best to answer them as straight and truthful as I can be.
1.) What story did you love reading, as a child?
-I actually loved a lot of comic books.
I followed the stories of Hägar the Horrible, because of its subtle sarcastic humour.
I loved everything on Pugad Baboy.
Everything in Funny Komiks.
I laughed out loud with every Asterix comics.
And also The Adventures of Tintin.
2.) What remains to be your all-time favorite book?
-I love books, but I must say that the only book(s) I read more than once are,
the Harry Potter Series by J. Rowling and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
I am planning on re-reading Lamb, by Christopher Moore too.
3.) What book do you usually recommend to people?
-I don’t usually recommend books to people, since books are very subjective.
I might like a particular story, but it might not appeal to another.
I just tell them what books I have read and liked.
4.) If you were a character in a book, who would you be?
-I would like to be Lestat. (Anne Rice Vampire chronicles)
I would like to see the world through his eyes.
5.) If you could write a book, what would it be about?
-I actually had this great idea for a book.
A vampire who falls in love with a human girl, but tries his best not to, since he knows he would destroy her. But the girl loves him too, so they try to make it work.
They do normal stuff, like play baseball with his vampire family in a lightning storm.
And then, ninjas would come along and try to take the girl, and the Vampire guy takes out his light saber and attacks the Ninjas, but they all rode in their broomsticks with freakin’ lasers coming out of its tail.
Did I mess it up?
Oh man!
I was doing pretty good with my answers too!
I would like to be Lestat. (Anne Rice Vampire chronicles)
I would like to see the world through his eyes.
If you could read this between the lines —
Vampire = neck biting = beautiful girls