Late night Chat

One of the best things about being married, (or being with someone)
are the late night chats you have when you are in bed.

You know, just before going to sleep,
you talk about how the day went for both of you,
you share funny stories,
you talk about things that happened,
who and what pissed you off,
and the plans you have for the following day.

But you got to be careful though.
Somehow, somewhere along the lovely chatting,
one of you has to initiate how it’s going to end.

One of you has to know when the chat exchange is beginning to make no sense.
When the topics are going nowhere,
someone has to initiate the closing stages, and end it.
Or else, both of you will just be up all night.

Case in point.

Here is an example of a married couple,
who was having a late night discussion about their day.

Pay close attention, on how one of them
brilliantly finished the conversation
and saved them both some meaningless dialogue.

Watch closely because that moment passes very quickly.

Let’s call this couple Tyrone and Tracy,
because those are the names they go by.

(Enter Scene)

Tracy: ….. and so that’s how my day was. Always, busy, busy, busy.
I am so glad it’s over.

Tyrone: You know sometimes when you tell me stuff about your work,
I keep getting confused about who said what to who.
I keep getting the names mixed up.

Tracy: Okay let me tell you some of the names of the people I work with.
There’s Debbie, Abbie, Ann-Marie, Danielle, Claudia, …… (and so on)

Tyrone: Wow! Now let me tell you the names of the guys I work with.

Tracy: Huh?

Tyrone: Yeah! There’s Bert, Ernie, Oscar, Elmo,
Buzz, Woody, Dory and Nemo, those two are hilarious.
Mike Wazowski, James Sullivan, funny guys, I tell you.
There’s Fiona, Donkey, Farquad, Shrek, Gingi……

Tracy: (laughing) Gingi? Who the hell is Gingi?

Tyrone: Gingi! You know, Gingi!

Tracy: No, I don’t know Gingi.

Tyrone: Well, do you know the muffin man?


Who lives down Drury Lane?

(Deafening Silence)

Tracy: Goodnight! (Rolls over)