Category: Just dabbling

It was a good idea

Situation: Uncomfortable couch in Living room.

Idea: Get the comfortable (favorite) couch from the basement
to replace said couch in living room.

Objective: To accomplish idea, within the
span of time given while child is asleep.

Tyrone and Tracy, on the basement stairs, moving and maneuvering the said furniture:

Tyrone: Are you holding it? Be careful.
Tracy: Yes I am, just tell me when to push.
Tyrone: on three, okay?
Tracy: okay!
Tyrone: one…two…three… Ummppffhhhh!!
Tracy: Ummmnnnnfffff!!!


Tracy: What was that?
Tyrone: What was what?

Tracy looks at this and gasps —>

Tyrone: I think we’re stuck. I can’t pull anymore.
Tracy: Oh we are stuck alright.
Tyrone: What do you mea… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyrone screams as he sees this —>
and this —>

After unleashing hell, Tyrone and Tracy sits down, having a little chat.

Tracy: Maybe we can fix it.
Tyrone: Yeah, I’ll go to Home Depot and ask them for help.
Tracy: I’ll ask my Mom too for ideas.
Tyrone: Wait. I have an idea.
Tracy: What?
Tyrone: Let’s just tell our landlord
that I was hearing voices in the wall,
and I couldn’t take it anymore so I smashed my head through it.


Tyrone: Hey where are you goin’?

Conclusion: Couch is still in basement. Damaged and ripped.
Body aches and scratches. Maybe we’ll try it next time.

Powers of 10

You know sometimes I get so depressed.
It’s just sometimes I do not think I can handle it all.

There is so much going on that I wish
everything would just end.

That’s normal right?
After all, I am just human.

Who do I turn to?
No one.

I write my thoughts here on this little journal,
because, like I have said,
some of my thoughts need to be unloaded from time to time.
My mind can only hold so much.

I try to pray at night,
but most of the time,
I am so exhausted, that I end up falling asleep,
right after “Dear Lord.”

I know we are being tested
that’s why we encounter all our problems.

Funny how you spend your life,
figuring out solutions to all of them.

It never ends,

Pay the bills,
Clean the house,
Raise your kids,
Pay the bills,
Do we have enough?,
No we don’t,
Pay the bills,
We’re out of food,
Pay this and that,
May back hurts,
Car repairs,
Rent is due,
Bills again,
.. and to top it off,
health problems.

You just can’t have it easy huh?
No. You can’t.

Sometimes I think I get tested so much that I am wondering,
if I am at least passing.
If not, should I still go on?

Tracy gives me words of encouragement,
and she always tell me,

“You are not the general manager of the universe.”
“Your problems are just a tiny spec on what the real deal is in this world.”
“And this too, shall pass.”

You know I never really paid attention to what she said,
until I saw this.

–> Powers of ten.

Can you imagine where we stand in the whole vastness of things?
Amazing huh?

It’s also amazing that,
the universe is so huge,
and humans are just a tiny spec of dirt.
But our Lord God still prefers us, and looks after us
before everything else.


In conclusion,
I may be bitter, depressed, down and miserable
because of my problems and whatever pulls my chain,
I know I have the right to be, because they are mine.
And the only one who can help me is ME.


I also know that,
I will never be given anything that I could not handle.

And if the time comes when I am overwhelmed,
I would just sit back, and let my God do the driving.

As long as I get to work the stereo.

Changing Stuff Again

As you can see,
I changed the Intro Flash picture.
Same animation, but a different picture.
Since that part was easy, I might change that from time to time.

That’s if I might, and if there is time.

I am also in the process of re designing the Photos section.
It’s in PHP image gallery script.
Thanks to CHWEB

I have forgotten how time consuming it is to overhaul a site,
or a section of it.

But anyway,
Since there is not much to look at yet,
Here are some new cool sites to check out.

A panoramic view on top of Mount Everest — (Needs Quicktime)
Didn’t all of us wanted to shoot that dog? — Duck hunt
A little Cow game. —
You gotta try POO WARRIOR —
Let Bart write anything you want — BART

No Dice


We pushed it to Game 7,
From a 3-1 standing.

They worked so hard, just to lose in the end.


Now it’s time to check the NBA Playoffs..
God I love SUMMER!!!

Wednesday What If’s?

1. What if you had 24 hours to pack up and leave your country forever?

I’ll be like, “No need to pack! C’mon Let’s go!!
No wait! I need my toothbrush.”

2. What if you had 24 hours to get married?

I’ll be like, “Dude!!! Bachelor’s party!! Now!!!! Hurry!!!”

3. What if you had 24 hours to entirely change the way you look,
so much as to become unrecognizable?

I’ll be like, “Stupid witness protection program!”

4. What if you had 24 hours to make a scientific or historical discovery?

It would be nice to find a cure for Cancer,
To eliminate Heart Attacks,
Better Tornado warnings,
End World poverty and hunger,
And predict who’s gonna win the Stanley Cup Playoffs!

5. What if you had 24 hours to meet and befriend the leader of your country?

I’ll be like, “Hey dude, Should we lower taxes or decriminalize marijuana?”
Which one do you think is more important to the public?”


Today’s cool links:
Enjoy the Classic Atari game — Pitfall
Great 3D Fighter jet Game — SkyBolter
Classic Dispute Game — Rock, Paper, Scissors
Create your ideal mutant — Protozoo

Senators Win!

The SENS won tonight!!!
We are still in the playoffs.
Hopefully they win again to push the game to 7.

Worrying about the game did not bother me tonight.
What really bothered me was:

My Mom got invited by her employer to watch the game
at the Corel Center.
in the V.I.P box!!

Holy Puck!!!
Free food, free drinks.
I think you also get a massage when you are in the box.

But I am not bitter.
Oh no.

I’ll just sit here at home, watching the game.
Hoping to catch a glimpse of the box where my Mom was.
Wishing I was there too.

Screaming like an Aerosmith groupie.
Enjoying the game,
along with the other 2 thousand people
who are not in the box with me!!

HAhahaaaa Looossaaaahhhhhssss!!!!

Eating my free food, drinking my free drink,
Hey Where’s my massage??

But I am not bitter.

(“switching TV channel noise” – CLICK!!)

Souvenir – Eric Johnson


It finally came today!!!
Souvenir – by Eric Johnson.
I ordered this CD about a week ago.
And it finally came today! Wooohoooo!!!!!

A compilation of his early recordings which truly deserves to be acknowledged.
Why? Because it’s brilliant!
From Blues Rock to Bluegrass to Jazz and a bit of Pop.

And of course, Eric’s (in)famous tone perfection.

It starts off with a slide guitar blues style called “Get to go”.
I just truly love the power on those Chords.
I have no idea where he comes up with them.

Then check out the Techno voice version of The Beatles’ “Paperback Writer”.
The first time I heard it, I am telling you
I loved it so much, I was frothing in the mouth.

And the reason I wanted this CD so bad is for the song “I’m finding you”.
This never fails to bring a tear in my eyes.

I first heard and saw him perform that song at
Austin City Limits, way back in the early 90’s (I think).
Then I have been looking for this song ever since.

I have checked and called all CD Stores here in Canada and the States.
I have emailed Austin City Limits, PBS Network, Guitar Magazine,
even left a message on Eric Johnson’s website.
I have also posted on message boards asking about the song, but to no avail.

My only solution was to play it on my guitar solely from memory.
And boy did it suck, but hey, I got my fix.

On the whole, I give this Album a perfect 10.
This CD is Beautificent!!

Thanks to Tracy for buying it for me!


So we were having fun strolling at the Ottawa Tulip Festival,
Taking some pictures, enjoying the flowers, minding our own business.
Tyler is 7 months today.

Then this guy came and approached us.
He had his own camera setup, with a tripod, lenses and everything.
He Looked like an amateur photographer.

He asked me what kind of digital camera I have.
So I said, Oh it’s a SONY DSC-P30.
An old model, I bought about a year and a half ago.

Then we talked about new Cameras, Mega Pixels,
Memory, Resolution and stuff.

Now I am not a professional Camera guy,
but I know what the terminologies are, because I got one
and I can carry out a pretty descent conversation.

Then he started telling me about the new ones,
features and what have you,
then he started giving me advice on where to get them.

He said,
“You know, you can get them pretty much cheap here.
The Canadian dollar is getting very strong,
Do not order one from the States.
You know those Bloodsuckers south of the border would charge you a lot.”

—at this point,
Tracy is getting Tyler situated in his stroller,
as I answered the guy back.

I said,
“Well with all the tax that they add here, wouldn’t it cost the same?”

He said,
“Yeah that’s right, but you don’t get ripped off with the shipping.
Those “bloodsuckers” down there will get you any way they can.”

–at this point,
I can hear Tracy’s neck creaking shaking from side to side.

Then I said,
“Well, we are from the States, and it would be easier for me to buy it down there.”
(in my most polite voice)

Now he immediately replied,
“Oh really?? where in the States??”

–at this point,
I can hear the embarrassment gargling inside his mouth.

I said,
“New York.”

Then he looked at Tyler, and said,
“Well, He’s a very good looking little boy.
You’ve done a pretty good job here, you should make one or two more.
Have a nice day!!”

–at this point,
I can hear Tracy snorting as she starts to push Tyler,
heading towards the chocolate fondue food stand.

and me?

I was like…



Moral of the story?
Do not expect everyone to think like you.
Oh! and keep your mouth shut.
(Attention: Canadian Ministers)

Check out the pictures under the Photos Menu