“I can’t hear you Dad. I have a banana in my ear!”
I have been a “stay-at-home” dad now for….
Wait let me re-phrase that.
I have been a “Domestic Engineer” for more than a year now.
And I must admit, this really is the hardest job I ever had.
Sometimes, I am just so Mr. Mom ‘ed out,
I feel like I am going to lose my mind.
Sometimes whenever Tracy comes home from work,
and she takes care of Tyler,
I had to go in our bedroom and give myself an attitude adjustment.
You just have to find ways to clear your mind.
It’s also hard when you spend most of your day,
watching Sesame Street,
and Blues Clues.
It’s not that bad, really.
Blues Clues is funny,
Teletubbies is just plain weird.
Plus I think the teletubby-land hills, where they live,
is where Peter Jackson filmed the Shire.
Check it out. I kid you not.
Boobah I can’t stand.
I can actually feel my IQ drop when I see that show.
Even Tyler doesn’t pay attention to it.
It’s just the only show right between Sesame Street and Teletubbies.
I just don’t trust puppets who make farting sounds when they walk.
I do love Sesame Street.
That show taught me the English language when I was a kid.
Not to mention who the people are in my neighborhood.
You know, the people that you meet each day?
Well, except for that 5 dollar prostitute that comes out every night.
I wasn’t allowed to go out at that time. So I never actually met her.
But I heard she was quite nice.
But anyway,
As much as I like that show,
I kinda miss the old Sesame Street.
I miss Kermit.
I miss it when he’s out reporting for the news.
Oh well, I guess you just have to answer when Hollywood calls.
Didn’t Oscar the Grouch used to be Orange?
Or is it just me?
I can’t stand Baby Bear.
He needs to learn his pronunciations of R’s and W’s.
They need to have someone as cool as The Count.
Elmo is Tyler’s favorite.
He’s cool and all, but he is starting to get on my nerves.
Elmo is not the Bread and Butter of that show.
You just see him a lot because kids like him.
He is not the most hardworking of them all.
You know who is?
Grover is my man!
He’s a waiter at that restaurant,
He reports from other places in the world,
He delivers the mail,
He’s also a musician and a singer,
And along with teaching kids as a professor,
he’s a pretty cool superhero too.
(and don’t you think Grover and Yoda have the same voice?)
Cookie Monster is great as well.
I love the way he struggles with himself,
If he was going to eat that cookie with a letter, or not.
He is really funny.
Ernie and Bert has taught me the meaning of friendship.
They argue and agree on so many things.
Even though Ernie’s got that obsession with his rubber duckie,
And Bert with the pigeons, I still like those two.
Inspite of the gay rumours that surrounds them.
Big Bird is just freaky.
Even I started to doubt him about his invisible, imaginary friend,
Snufflela….snuflepag….snufu….. The Elephant!
Crap I can’t spell it.
But, now everybody can see that Snufflelapagus guy.
Because it’s just too weird to hear voices and pretend you’re talking to someone.
People will start talking about you.
That’s not good.
I also learned some Spanish words, because of Maria and Luis,
Abierto, Cerrado, Gracias, Si, Que Pasa, Uno, Dos, Tres Cervesas Por Favor,
Leche, Besa Mi Culo, Punyeta! ….wait……
I think I learned those somewhere else.
It was also so funny,
When my brother and I would act out scenes from that show,
and my nieces would laugh so hard at us.
I think it’s because they know the show,
or we just look silly and stupid.
Anyhow, Sesame street has been the official kid’s show worldwide.
Even a spin off was created back home in the Philippines. – (Batibot)
So in conclusion,
Even though I whine and complain about being at home,
not having a job.
And the stress of being a Mom.
I just take a look at that picture on top of this post.
And it’s all so worth it.
I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
— this little update was brought to you by,
The letter “F”.
And “U”.
And by the number, “11”.