Have you ever seen that TV ad about something
that says,
“In our company, you are not a number. You are a person.
So come in and be treated for what you are.”
“What a bunch of Bull!”
In these troubled times, nobody is a person anymore.
Nobody cares about who or what you are.
Everything nowadays is a number.
And that includes you and me.
When you are born you are under a file number to start with.
Didn’t everybody had a class number or student number at school?
Applying for a job doesn’t depend on who you are,
but the number of years of experience you had,
or how high the numbers on your transcript is.
I hope you know your employee number,
just in case you need to confirm your insurance benefits,
while they send you your insurance ID Number.
When you call your bank or credit cards to beg for a delay payment,
(okay maybe that’s just me)
Do they ask your name?
They ask for your 16 digit card number or reference number.
Am I the only one who gets those card PIN numbers, Bank account numbers, Access code numbers, Security pass numbers, all mixed up?
Anybody remember their family and friends’ home phone number,
cell phone number and office number?
(throw in a fax number if you want)
I don’t.
All I know is that my Mom is speed dial 1,
And my brother is 2.
How many times do you have to write your Drivers License number
on any application forms you fill out?
In Canada you have an SIN number for the “Insurance” of your “Social” belonging.
in the States you need your SSN number for the “Security” of your “Social” owning.
And, may I add,
that you are “NOTHING” until these numbers are authentic, valid and confirmed.
Did you hear me?
You are also being judged on how much you earn,
Rate per hour and your Annual Income.
Then you spend sleepless nights thinking about,
Your retirement funds,
Your credit score rating,
Interest rates,
Your kids school tuitions,
Grocery budget,
Car payments,
A mortgage,
Grams of fat,
Your weight,
Your dress size.
And when you die,
You don’t just die,
You are a “Statistic”.
We are all just a bunch of numbers.
And to add insult to injury,
We are so used to it, that we don’t really care.
We are already numb in this fast paced world we live in.
As I ponder about this,
I tried to think of a place where I am not a number.
A place where I know I can be who or what I truly am.
And that place would be,
Somehow, this place gives you a feeling of calmness,
Amidst all of the troubles and chaos around you.
It’s the only place where you can complain and get everything off of your chest.
And management really listens to whatever you say.
It’s the only place where transactions do not include a number.
Except during collection time.
Then I am the 2 dollar guy,
at the back row,
near the exit.