Category: Just dabbling

Good Friday

As Tracy asks me what “Good Friday” really is,
or what we basically do on this day.

I said,
“Well, with respect to the day when Jesus died for our sins,
we try to remember our sins and ask for forgiveness.”

“Really?” she says.
“What else?” she added.

I said,
“What do you mean what else?
That would pretty much take the whole day.
And sometimes the whole Saturday too, just in case.”

Oh and just because it’s a holiday,
we make sure no one will go out partying.
Nor be happy.
And no laughter either.

Or else you will burn in hell!
And share a room with Hitler.

He’s one of us now

Okay, okay.
Even though Tyler was born in Canada,
and his Mother is American,
and his Father is from the Philippines.
But from this day forth,
he has true, full fledged Filipino peculiarity
running through his veins.

Why, you ask?
Because he has eaten a real, unusual Filipino foodstuff delicacy.

And What, you ask?
Well my friends, this odd cuisine thing is called,


Now I wouldn’t want to describe what this is,
or how we eat it.
Plus, I think the description of the duck fetus inside would gross out most people.

But don’t worry, don’t worry,
I never eat the freakin’ embryo, nor did I let Tyler eat it.
Only the soupy juice and the yellow yolk thingy.
And Tyler seemed to like it.

It’s true!
I have proof,
but I won’t show it,
because I might get a call from the “Child Abuse” agencies.

Oh, and if you are still curious….

Here —->

Oh and by the way, I added that little “comment” thing
at the bottom of the adlib post.
Just a little extra I am experimenting on,
courtesy of —>
so let me know if it works.

Also, I changed the layout on the Photos section.

It’s up now,
and I should be adding some new ones soon.

(Okay, I lied! I will be adding new ones “someday”. I hope.)

I have a solution!

I think I have a solution to this NHL lockout hullabaloo.
And it will only be remedied by 5 simple words.
And here it is….


Just like the movie!
Ha? What do you think?

That would solve the dilemma of these
greedy bastards with an insatiable appetite for more money.

I know it’s not the players’ fault the game was suspended,
or the season cancelled.
It’s all these politics that plagued the sports industry,
just like how appearances and lip-synching has plagued the music world.

But to have women play hockey?
That would be perfect!!

Just like that movie where the ladies played Baseball huh?
And what if they are all hot!
That would be awesome!!!

But, you know it will never be accepted by the management.
Plus, with all the complaints and protests they would get
from some extreme feminists and/or the whole state of Utah.

It will never happen.

Because who would want to see women with sticks,
skating at tremendous speeds,
handling a puck,
body checking each other,
just to score past the goalie.

No one!

Well, except for me,
because I like hockey.

And I am a sick bastard.

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!

One weird thing about having your birthday fall on Valentines,
is that, even though it’s your birthday,
you still have to give somebody something.

Can you actually call this day your own,
if you still have to put a lot of thought to make someone else happy?
Not to mention all the planning, stress, effort
and the pressure of getting the right gift?

Since it’s your birthday,
and you know you will receive a gift, or something,
wouldn’t it just even out,
since you too have to give someone a gift?

This has been my predicament,
with all my past relationships.
Never has been this day, completely mine.

So, let me tell you something about my wife.
She realized this dilemma I am in,
very early on in our relationship.

She made me promise to her,
that come Valentines Day,
we will treat this as my day.
My Birthday.

I will not do anything,
I will not worry about anything,
I just have to spend this day as my own.
My day.

And she will treat me as such.

I did promise her,
that I will not get her anything,
and just enjoy my birthday.

But I always cheat.

I always end up giving her something,
or any simple surprises that I could think of,
come Valentines Day.

But as of late,
since I don’t work,
and with only one car,
it’s quite hard for me to surprise her with anything.

And she will know if I purchased anything for her anyways,
for she manages our finances.
And she knows where I am, or where I was
at any given time of day.

Last year, I spent my birthday in Canada without her,
to finish some paperwork,
so that doesn’t count.

So today,
I fulfilled my promise.
I treated this day as mine.

And she did what she always does.
My Queen made her man realize,
that even though she is the breadwinner,
she made sure that I am still the King of her castle.
Like always.

And you know what?
It actually felt very good.

But at the end of the day,
I realized something.

As we watched whatever was on TV,
snuggling on the couch,
listening to Tyler’s snores,
I realized,
that even though it’s my birthday,
she does not deserve to have no Valentines.

She is my wife,
but today, she was also my date.
She also deserves to have something.

But what am I going to do?
The day is ending,
And even though I am also the king of “last minute -11th hour- cramming things“,
I couldn’t possibly come up with something this late.

So, what’s a guy to do?

Well, I guess at the last minute,
you just have to give the one you love,
with what you already have.

You look straight into their eyes,
And say,

“Honey, thank you for making my day very special.
I really enjoyed every moment with you.
I love you very much.”

And you know what?
It works!

I guess, technically, I still gave her something.
One lovely smile.
Which I know made her day too.

And she deserved it.
She was after all,
My Valentine.

My God!
I am the “Cheesiest Man” on this planet!
Hah! No matter!
At least the sex was AWESOME!!!


The three official holidays here in the states,

Fourth of July,
And Superbowl.

This year,
Superbowl is held here in Florida.
The land of Tropicana Juice
and Cell-phone using maniac drivers.

There has been so many celebrity sightings here in the River City,
it’s really quite amusing.

Famous actors,
Well known performers,
And Great athletes.

It’s also quite entertaining to see all the fans,
flock down to the Arena,
Hoping to catch a glimpse of these
famous personalities.

The fans adore these people like Gods.
They worship the very ground they walk on.

As for me,
Since I am not a big Football fan. (Go Eagles!)
The only thing that made me quite thrilled about this event,
The only excitement I have,
is knowing that I am in the same place with 2 people.

To me,
these 2 people are GODS.

One is,
Sir Paul McCartney,
performing at half time.
Which was confirmed that he will not show his man boobies,
nor have any wardrobe-malfunction.
(Although there is a rumour that he will french kiss Terrel Owens.)

And Second,
Hugh Heffner.

Need I say more?


On a side note:

This site might be quite intermittent during the next few days,
for I am in the process of changing DNS hosts.
(The thing that tells your PC to connect to this site)

Also, the photos are down for the meantime,
for I am also in the process of adding some,
(or deleting some, for that matter)

does anybody have any experience selling stuff on eBay?
The plans on keeping Tracy’s car is quite unfeasible at this point.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Another also,
We have started this “Potty Training” crap.
Any advice will also be “very” appreciated.
(Because Daddy almost quit the first day.)

And also,
thanks to an old friend, Nikki,
for sending me a GMail invite.
I know I don’t need it, but I want it just the same.

And lastly,
a very big “Thank You” to our Mothers,
for always getting us out of any sticky situations.
I am working on a song tribute for you.
It kinda depends on how good I handle this “Potty training” crap.
But I promise to do it just the same.

Happy SUPERBOWL to everyone!

How I wish I could greet you a “Happy Stanley Cup!” as well.
Stupid Hockey Politics.
I hope you’re all happy you greedy bastards!!

When is your turning point?

What would it take for you to give in?

A couple of days ago,
Tracy rushed me to the hospital,
because I just couldn’t tolerate the pain on my back anymore.

It was kind of embarrassing,
because we were out in public,
and there I was, in pure agony.

It felt like something was going to snap,
as I try my best to walk.

Not good.

But I still insisted on not going to the Emergency,
since it really is no secret how I feel about
these arrogant, pompous jackholes,
who call themselves Doctors.

Just because they went to school longer than you,
and they were given power by the government to give you drugs.
which just technically make them “Drug Dealers” in white jackets,
They think that they are Gods.

Gods my Ass!

So anyway,
as Tracy and I argue about going to the emergency,
I was determined to stick to my guns, and not go.

She said,
“So you’re just going to suffer there?”


I said swiftly.

“Just because you don’t want to see a Doctor,
you will just live with the pain?”

As she gives me the look.

“Oh yeah!” I said. As I try to avoid the look.

“Even though there’s a big possibility about your nerves being damaged.”
She added.

“Yup!” I still remain.

She said,
“You know the nerves down to your leg, controls your bowel movement.
And if the nerve is damaged,
you might lose control of your poop and pee.”


“I’ll get the car keys. You drive.”

I hate it when my woman wins!

So what’s your breaking point?

I don’t get it.

So I was at the Doctors yesterday for my back,
and since I was a new patient,
I had to fill out a lot of forms.
You know, just so they know a bit about my medical record.

And in one of the questions regarding my health history,
I was asked to indicate if I:

#1 — Smoke.
If yes, how often.

#2 — Consume Alcohol.
If yes, how often.


#3 — Did take any illegal drugs or medications.

So my answer was,
#1 — No.
and for #2 — No.

So the doctor sees and reads it,
and mentions to me that I have no serious medical history.
Plus I don’t smoke and drink.

Then he said,
“That’s quite unfair.”

So, I chuckled a little bit.
But, in all honesty,
I have no clue what he meant by it.
Unfair to whom?

Did it mean that,
It was unfair to me that I do not partake in any bad habits?
And I don’t know how much I am missing by not consuming these substances.

Or was it unfair for other people who smoke and drink,
for they are addicted to the enjoyment of destroying their health?

See, these things are what I ponder about when it’s late at night
and I couldn’t sleep.
Or it’s what keeps me from admitting myself to a mental institution.

Oh, and the number 3 question on that form?
If I ever did any drugs?

The answer is No.

Because I get the same effect,
just by standing up very quickly.

I know it’s late but,

Happy New Year To All!

Now, it’s not that I have been slacking off with this website,
and it’s also not that I am running out of ideas,
and it’s not like you really care.

I mean, why couldn’t a guy,
who runs a crappy website,
who doesn’t have a job,
and stays home all day,
update a simple freakin’ site?

Well, this time,
I have a reason.

And it’s legit.

See, during the holidays, I was transferring our home videos,
to VHS tapes.

I just couldn’t fool anybody
to buy me a DVD recorder as a gift for Christmas,
but that’s not important right now.

The video contained most of Tyler,
when we were still in Canada,
his first steps,
him with me,
him with his Mom,
him with his Grandmother,
him with his cousins,
his Christening,
our trip to the States,
our “move” to the States,
his first Birthday,
his Halloween costume,
his first mini pool,
his toys,
and then his new Christmas toys.

Then I realized,

Even though I spend so much time with him,
even though I was always with him.

It felt like it wasn’t enough.

I know it’s impossible,
but I should try harder to catch up.

So, if you see no updates on this site for a while,
I am out there doing my “real job”.
Either pretending to be Buzz Lightyear,
or memorizing each and every
Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks movie lines.

Because, you know,
Elmo and the Sesame Street gang is so 2004.

That’s old news!

May this New Year be joyous to all.

on a side note:

As the Death Toll in SouthEast Asia Tsunami tragedy increases,
Let us offer a prayer for the victims and their families.

“Eternal rest, grant unto them, Oh Lord.
And let your Perpetual Light shine upon them.”

3 reasons

There must be a hundred reasons why I should say that
this is one great Christmas Day!

As the day ends,
I pretty much narrowed it down to three.

Number 3.
Since Tracy’s sister and her family came to spend the holidays,
just seeing the smile on my wife’s face and see how happy she was,
I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

Number 2.
The look on Tyler’s face when he opened his gifts.
Everything under the Christmas tree was pretty much his.

And the number 1 reason why this is a great day…..
(drum roll please…..)

No phone calls from bill collectors!!!!!


Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
God Bless us!