Does it really matter,
that besides taking care of my son,
I didn’t do squat today?
Does it really matter,
that I slacked off on every single chore,
I am supposed to do?
Does it really matter,
that I have absolutely nothing done,
with regards to any preparations,
for the coming hurricane?
Does it really matter,
that neither me nor my son,
have taken our baths,
this late in the day?
Does it really matter,
that I don’t care,
with a whole lot of things anymore?
Nor what other people think?
It doesn’t matter.
You know what really matters to me right now?
It really matters to me,
to know,
If Dr. Sheperd signs the divorce papers,
so he can be with Dr. Grey.
If Dr. Burke gets back together,
with Dr. Yang.
OH! The suspense is killing me!
I bet you the producers and writers of the show,
will delay the unfolding of these revelations,
for a couple more weeks.
They will milk it,
for all its worth.
Because they are a bunch of mean,
sadistic BASTICHES!
But I love their show.
So if I say,
that they are a bunch of mean, sadistic bitchards,
it doesn’t really matter.