Went to the doctors.
It was worse than we thought.
Although, they gave Tyler and Tracy some medication.
But for me,
The Doctor said,
“Suck it up, it’ll pass.”
Oh and
“Stop crying! It’s embarrassing.”
I hate them bastards.
Went to the doctors.
It was worse than we thought.
Although, they gave Tyler and Tracy some medication.
But for me,
The Doctor said,
“Suck it up, it’ll pass.”
Oh and
“Stop crying! It’s embarrassing.”
I hate them bastards.
What a way to start the New Year.
Everyone in our household is sick.
Tyler has the coughs and fever,
Tracy has the chills, like she’s gonna shake out of her body,
(and she even had the flu shot).
And me, I have the body aches,
itchy throat, and snot altogether.
My God,
I am gonna die!
No wait,
I am going to throw up,
and then I’m gonna die.
There is a Santa Clause.
Because I got this new toy for Christmas.
I didn’t really ask for it.
But I got it.
Plus, I got to see my brother and his family,
as well as my aunt and my cousin.
I guess, you could say that my Christmas was good.
Even though, we are never going to recover financially.
I guess it was worth it.
(I still hate dealing with the commercialism of Christmas though)
I’ll take back what I said on Christmas.
(Don’t mind me, I just had a bad day.
Even though I know I have a point)
As I end this post,
I therefore conclude,
that Santa is alive and real.
And I am sleeping with her.
A big Congratulations to busko ’91,
my high school group,
for hosting a Christmas Party,
for the less fortunate youth in the Philippines.
Great job, my brothers.
Great job.
I truly am proud to be a part of this group.
Pro Deo et Patria.
Congratulations to the DBTC Website admins,
for winning this years “People’s Choice Award” in the Webbys.
As I was re-posting the ad-libs from the old site.
I just realized,
I lost some of the reader comments.
That’s what I get for being cheap, and relying on a free comment service.
Also, for not reading the fine print.
And for not backing-up my data.
What a bummer.
Now I have no proof that more than 3 people look and read this site.
Oh well.
What can I do.
So, write me a comment note.
Make me feel better.
Yes, I am talking to my 1st and 2nd degree friends.
Coz, if I ask the 3rd degree ones,
it’s gonna be a little awkward.
One of the current news buzz around the country,
is the war on Christmas.
it has been considered by the politically correct police,
that Christmas is a very offensive word,
and they want all reference to the word “Christmas” be replaced by “Holiday.”
You know what?
They win.
I give in.
I have no problems,
saying Merry “Holiday” to everyone.
Buying “Holiday” gifts,
putting them under our “Holiday” tree
sending “Holiday” cards,
singing “Have yourself a very merry Holiday,”
or wonder if my true love gave me
a partridge in a pear tree on the 1st day of “Holiday.”
I wouldn’t dare offend anyone if I ever say the word “Christmas.”
I have no problem with that whatsoever.
Only under one condition……….
That everyone agrees,
that we also change:
Martin Luther King Day,
Mardi Gras,
Mother’s Day,
Father’s Day,
Independence Day,
Labor Day,
Columbus Day,
Veterans Day,
Rosh Hashanah,
Yom Kippur,
Simchat Torah,
Cinco De Mayo,
Visakah Puja,
Los Dias de los Muertos,
Oh what the hell.
Let’s throw in our Birthdays too.
Well, as you can see.
Some guy is trying to re-design this site.
I know, I know,
I have succumbed to the new blogging generation,
and left my roots as an HTML web designer,
who still uses Notepad to modify his site.
No matter.
At least this new layout is simpler and easier to read.
(Easier for me to update as well.)
Well, when I say easier to read,
that doesn’t mean that I am gonna start writing anything interesting.
Why start now, eh?
In all honesty,
I am kinda excited with this new layout.
The only thing that really bothers me,
is that,
I have to re-write all my archived posts,
and re-link all the paths again.
(That’s a good 5 years worth!)
Which means my mouse clicker will be in overdrive copy and paste.
Which I think is giving me the “carpool-tunnel-syndrominity.”
And when I have to invent words like “syndrominity,”
you know that I am not kidding.
Isn’t it interesting,
how gas prices seem to go down,
at the same time the big oil companies
are being questioned for record breaking profits?
(Linky here.)
Isn’t it interesting,
with the bird flu epidemic threat,
the government strongly suggests that we get this Tamiflu medicine?
Which apparently, the chairman of the makers of this drug,
is a high government official?
(Linky here.)
Isn’t it interesting,
that the government vowed to investigate on
how much red tape there was during the hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
But then a certain individual who wanted to help, was denied.
(Linky here.)
Isn’t it interesting,
that most people only remember today as Veteran’s day,
because, banks are closed.
Isn’t it interesting,
how you do most of your critical thinking when you’re
on the toilet, and you can’t find any magazines to read?
Yeah, it is.
Isn’t it?
I bring you,
Mickey Tyler Mouse!
You make yourself a Peanut Butter sandwich,
and when you’re done,
you put the butter knife in the fridge,
and the Peanut Butter jar in the garage.
Ask me why?
I have no freakin’ clue.
I stood in the garage for 5 minutes wondering why I was there.
I knew I should have stayed in bed.