Category: Just dabbling

The Mark of the Beast


Tomorrow would be the anticipated date of this year.
June 6, 2006

“Let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a person.
Its number is six hundred sixty-six.”
(Revelation 13:16-18, New Revised Standard Version)

This is it folks.

Tomorrow will be the end!
Tomorrow, all we have feared will come!
Tomorrow, we see the number of the beast!
Tomorrow, we experience the mark of Satan!
Tomorrow, evil shall be set free!
Tomorrow, evil shall befall the earth!
Tomorrow, the prophecy will be fulfilled!
Tomorrow, widespread panic and terror shall rule the land!
Tomorrow would be the end of the worl”¦”¦.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute”¦..

It’s already tomorrow in Australia.



Friday 5 (80’s)

At last!!
On time!!

Here we go!

1.) Favourite movie of the 1980s?

—It’s hard to pick your favourite “movie” from “movies” you’ve seen and liked.
And if I put the classic 80’s flicks like “Back to the Future” series, “Indiana Jones” series or E.T.,
it’s already a given that these are into everyone’s likings.

So I selected a few of my personal, weird and obscure favourites.

1. Crossroads ““ With Ralph Macchio and Steve Vai in it. (Not the Britney one)
I chose this, because, come on. Who doesn’t want to have a guitar duel with the devil?

2. Hard to Hold ““ with Rick Springfield. Because, come on. Who doesn’t want to become a rock star with beautiful girls falling for you?

3. Clash of the Titans ““ Because, come on. Who doesn’t want to be a greek god?

4. The Dark Crystal ““ Because, come on. Who doesn’t have a fetish with puppets?

5. Debbie Does Dallas ““ Okay maybe it’s 1978. But I have seen it in the 80’s. And come on, Who doesn’t know Debbie?

2.) Favourite musician/group of the 1980s?

— This would be very difficult for me, for if I list them all,
I would have to cancel all my appointments and my child will not be eating lunch.
So I decided to put down all the band posters I had in my room, when I was growing up.

Depeche Mode
Duran Duran
Tears For Fears
Spandau Ballet
Michael Jackson
Van Halen
Bon Jovi
Brooke Shields

–Oops! You didn’t see that.

3.) Favourite TV show of the 1980s?

—My God! Each and every Saturday morning cartoon!
Yes Kids!
In our day, we only watch cartoons on a Saturday!
One day a week!
Not like you with your 24 hour cartoon channel network.
You spoiled little shits!

4.) Favourite invention of the 1980s?

—2 things, I believe were the best invention in the 80’s.
The Atari 2600 and those Pop Rocks candies,
that pops in your mouth when you eat them.
YES! I love those.

5.) World Event from the 1980s that stands out in your mind?

—I have to say it’s the “People Power” Revolution in the Philippines.
Because right in the midst of all the fear and confusion,
all the way to the people’s victory,
I was in the hospital being treated for Dengue.

Yes. My body is weaker than most children.
That’s what you get when you aren’t breast fed.
And you sniff a lot of glue.

My god!
As you can see,
I am the best guy to answer all these Friday Five questions!
I should be given a medal.
And a straightjacket.

Busko ’91 Reunion


To my fellow Bosconian brothers,
for a successful simultaneous web cast reunion,
both from California and Manila.

It was great to see you guys,
kahit sa webcam man lang.

Nakakainggit talaga!

Hopefully, I get to be in Colorado for part 2.

Mabuhay kayo, mga kapatid!

Pro Deo, Et Patria

Bitch, bitch, bitch!

My site has been slllloooowwwww, this past few days.
It’s freakin’ frustrating!

…and the “FeedBack” section doesn’t work.
…and my Laptop died.
…and my USB drive is dying too.
…and I haven’t done any backups.
…and I need to do a whole bunch of crap.
…and my neighbors are assholes.
…and I’m hungry.
…and sleepy.
…and angry.
…and I’m broke.
…and I suck.
…and my head hurts.

Bitch , bitch, bitch.
Hate, hate, hate.
Whine, whine, whine.

How was your day?

(I was gonna add more,
but I need to take a shower,
‘coz I stink.)

Last Friday’s Friday Five

I was going to apologize for being late with this,
because I was too lazy.

But then I was even too lazy to do that.

And then again, I know you don’t care.

So here goes.

1. What type of mood are you generally in on a rainy day?

—I actually like the rain.
I guess I get it from when I was young in the Philippines,
and all the kids go out and play in the rain.

There was a time when we never had running water at our house,
I would actually go out and bathe in the rain, with soap and shampoo at hand.
(Hey, beats the hell out of fetching buckets of water from blocks away.)

2. What are your favorite things to do when the weather is gloomy?

—I was going to say Sleep.
But I have never done that since the dawn of the internet has plagued my life.
(Curse you Oh Lords of Technological Progress!)

3. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?

—If by “kissed” you mean, your lips actually touched the asphalt road,
because it was raining so hard and you tripped and fell face forward.
Then Yes.

4. After the rain stops, do you continue what you were doing,
or do you run outside to do something else?

—Holy crap, I don’t understand this one.
I guess it really depends on what you’re doing.
I mean, I couldn’t go outside, if I am right in the middle of
performing bypass surgery on my ingrown toenail.

5. What is your favorite drink/food to have when it’s raining outside?

—A nice bowl of warm soup would be nice.

But then again, you can’t really associate rain with your food.
Unless, you were eating outside and it was raining.
Then you can’t really have any warm soup,
because that would look really ridiculous.

Standing outside in the rain holding a soup bowl.
What’s wrong with you?

My God, why do I even bother.

Check out,
And Nikki’s answer to these questions.

Because ever since our elementary days,
these people can answer questions correctly.

Not like some guy I know who pretends to be funny.

I am talking to you Alex Trebek.
Yes you!
You are not funny, and I hate you.

Here’s another Friday Five!

This week’s questions are freaky!!

So, let’s just get on with it.

Here we go:

If you knew you were going to die on at specific day at a specific time, what’s the last…

1. song you would listen to?

—I would listen to Carl Off’s Carmina Burana.
It’s that song from the movie “The Omen” (I think it was)
Just to freak people out.

2. book you would read?

—My God? If I am about to die, I don’t think I have time to read a freakin book!
What a stupid questi….

oh no wait,

I always wanted to finish the KAMA SUTRA.
I can never get past the second technique.

3. person you would talk to?

—I would probably talk to the Doctor who told me I was dying.
And tell him he sucks at his job and to leave me the hell alone!
What a prick!

4. food you would eat?

—Haha! Like a last meal before they execute me?
I am pretty easy. Something that is easily prepared.
A nice juicy steak, with a side of salad made from blue flowers with red thorns.

5. goal you would accomplish?

—Solve “World Hunger.” And tell no one.
That’ll piss everybody off huh?

I mean, what are they gonna do?
Kill me?

You know I just realized.
The more I try to be funny,
the more I suck at this.

So, just read my other friends’ answer to these questions.
I am sure theirs are way better.

Better yet, tell me yours.

There is Hope!

The other day,
I was talking to my niece, Bea.

And she told me how she was able to download songs
for her iPod, through iTunes.

I told her that was great,
and I use iTunes too.

So, as a music enthusiast,
I asked her what songs she got.

And there I was,
with fear in my heart,
dreading what she would say might be
one of them teeny-bopper-songs
that plagues the youth today.

She’s Twelve after all.

But to my surprise,
she said,

“Oh I got some songs by Led Zeppelin.”

She’s a Rocker!

She is one of us!

There is Hope in the future!
Thank you oh Gods of Rock!

She’s got the Led!
That is heavy stuff!

Wait a minute.

Listening to Zeppelin?

Maybe I should ask her what she has been smoking.


Anyone remember those plastic spoon and fork combined?
You know, those plastic utensils shaped like a spoon
but has like 3 or 4 prongs like a fork?
Are they called “Spork?”

The reason I asked is because of this News article from Montreal, Canada.

A 7 year old boy, allegedly reprimanded in their school cafeteria,
because he eats his food with a spoon and fork.

Read the article here –>
and here –>

Humans are disgusting sometimes.
Arent we supposed to be better than this?

Oh well.
You know, the real answer to this issue is simple.

“There is no spoon.”

But if you’re still in the Matrix,
too bad.
Because Neo is freakin’ dead, and no one is going to help you.

In other news:

Recently, other people have been spotted eating with


wooden chop sticks!!!