Belated Happy Birthday to my sisters!
Ate Elizabeth and
Ate Evelyn.
Many happy returns!
we’re going to have to make up for all the lost time.
Love you both very much!
Belated Happy Birthday to my sisters!
Ate Elizabeth and
Ate Evelyn.
Many happy returns!
we’re going to have to make up for all the lost time.
Love you both very much!
Yes, I am late with this.
But hey, you know that already right?
So, let’s get right to it.
1) What TV show(s) do you find yourself watching the most?
–I was gonna say “Jeopardy”, because Trebek and I
have a love – hate relationship.
And as much as he bothers me, I can’t wait what senseless remarks
he’s going to add to the (questions) answers,
or when he talks to the players.
And another reason also,
if I say I watch “Jeopardy” the most,
people might think that I am a pompous ass.
I already am. Thank you very much.
So to answer this question,
it’s “Family Guy.”
Because I still watch it even if it’s a rerun.
2) What if any TV shows do you own on DVD?
–I have “Dead Like Me” and “The Story Teller.”
Good shows.
3) Can you name your favorite TV show theme song?
–The theme from “The Greatest American Hero.”
“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air.. because I am so high from drugs and alcohol..”
Wait. I might be wrong.
(Paging Giancarlo! Dude, we need to do this song soon!
Send me the file!)
4) Have you ever been on TV and if so for what?
–Yes. It was so long ago, I deleted it from my memory.
But it did involve me playing the guitar and singing.
Simon Cowell said I sucked.
5) What is your favorite YouTube video (feel free to post a link)?
–Hey Ya cover by Obadiah Parker.
Youtube was a bit slow, so here’s google video instead.
Just when I was about to lose my faith in television,
here comes a new tv series that caught my attention.
A certain group of individuals, discovers their unnatural talent,
and tries to make sense of what they are becoming.
It’s Brilliant!
Who among us never dreamed of becoming one?
Or just to have special powers?
I surely did.
I remember when I was a kid,
my two greatest fantasies about having special powers were:
and Time Travel.
Mainly because of the long commute I have going to school
and hating the traffic every single day.
I wanted to just “Teleport” myself and be there on time,
without any hassle.
“Time Travel” because mostly when I get to school,
I often realize that I have forgotten something.
My wallet,
my homework,
my lunch,
(my pants,)
my school bag.
Then I would desperately wish I could travel back in time and get it.
Now that I am older,
I still wish for those two superpowers
but for very different reasons.
Teleportation, just because of having the power to escape
whatever situation you have gotten yourself into.
And Time Travel, just so you can go back
and fix whatever you hate in your life.
Come to think of it,
these two superpowers sounds like you have to do a lot of work.
And a lot of thinking.
And more work is something we should really try to avoid.
Let alone thinking.
So okay then.
Screw it.
I don’t need these powers.
What I really need,
and I’m sure you’ll agree with me,
is a freakin’ Genie.
Aaaaanndddddd… Action!
1. What’s your favorite line from a movie, and why?
–“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die!”
Can’t you just feel the anger on that line?
After years and years of keeping the anguish and hurt inside,
it’s finally coming out.
It’s beautiful.
2. Who’s your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
–“General Zod, Ursa and Non.”
The three Kryptonian villains from Superman 2.
All three have Superman’s power and strength. How cool was that?
Unlike in Superman 3. Where he fought a (gasp!) “Computer.”
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
–“Steel Magnolias.”
Not only because I am a guy and I don’t like chick flicks,
but also because I can’t stand the thought of Julia Roberts dying.
I like her. She makes me feel funny.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
Especially if you put it on mute.
5. What’s your favorite Pixar film, and why?
–“The Incredibles.”
There is something about Elastigirl that intrigues me.
Maybe it’s her way of managing being a wife, a mother and a superhero.
Or maybe it’s her ability of being able to stretch
and be flexible to do certain shapes and forms.
Either way, it proves that I am a pervert freak.
Aaaannndd Cut!
Pictures of Ground Zero, on Sept. 13, 2001
1. If you could pick your own theme song, what would it be?
–“I Started A Joke” by the Beegees.
Because when it all comes down to it,
the “Joke” was on me.
2. Now be honest…if others had to pick a song that described you, what would they choose?
— “Guitar Man” by Bread.
Because even though I don’t draw a crowd, I play so loud.
So loud, it’s annoying.
And I am annoying.
3. What song would be/was the first dance at your wedding?
— Well, this is hard because all I heard were sounds or sobbing, weeping and howling.
Then I realized, it was all me.
But anyway, I always wanted the song “When I Look Into Your Eyes” by Firehouse.
4. What song gets stuck in your head most often?
— I gotta admit.
It’s the “Bob the Builder” theme.
5. What song would you want played at your funeral?
–I would want the “Theme from Rocky.”
You know, the song before the boxing match.
Because, I swear to you, I am going to pick a fight in Hell.
But seriously, I want the song “In My Life” by John Lennon.
Just only if people would come.
Here we go!
1. What book or books were special to you in your childhood?
—I don’t recall any books I have read for pleasure when I was young.
Most of them are purely obligatory school stuff, so I could not really classify them as “special.”
Although, one book I remember reading for pleasure,
was “The Phantom“ by Susan Kay.
The inside story of Erik, the “Phantom of the Opera”, beautifully expressed thru his own eyes.
2. What was particularly special or memorable about those books?
—The things that I remember the most is how much anger he has at the world around him, and spent a whole lot of time controlling it.
As well as when he met Christine, the beautiful opera singer, and how he found hope.
Their love for music, kept their relationship very strong.
Such a lovely story. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.
3. Have you re-read any of them as an adult?
–You know what? I should read that book again.
Yeah. I should.
4. If so, were the books as good as you remembered them?
—Hopefully I find it at a used book store sale. Then I hope it’ll be as good as I remember it.
5. What do you think about movies being made out of children’s classics
(like the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, etc.)?
–Reading the books has always been better than watching its movie version.
I think a movie interpretation of a book is great. As long as it stays true and does not cut a whole lot out.
But I believe, everyone agrees with me that reading the book is always better than the movie.
I also read books and do other stuff.
Not just play you mediocre song interpretations
or write a whole bunch of nonsense.
I don’t pretend to be cool and funny like the other websites.
On this site, I try to be truthful as I can.
I don’t manufacture any stories for you.
Except maybe when I talk about my viciously amazing guitar talent
and my gorgeous Adonis body.
I try to downplay that a bit, just to be modest.
(I read that last line of joke somewhere else,
I just can’t remember where.)
What a show, what a show!
Eric Johnson was great as always,
at last nights performance.
I was very lucky to be able to get there early,
And I found myself a spot right in front of the stage.
I mean, I am literally leaning against it.
I forgot to mention.
(Okay, I didn’t really forget.
I just didn’t remember to tell you.)
I am going to see Eric Johnson tonight.
He’s playing in Jax Beach, FL.
I’ll be enjoying this one again I am sure.
Savouring his music.
Enjoying his famous guitar tone.
Screaming like a little girl.
I hope this time, I get to have his autograph.
And maybe a picture.
And a hug.