Category: Just dabbling


What does K.L.T mean?

I was trying to start something here,
that would (make) force me to write something and
update this site.

Since my friends refuse to update theirs,
which leaves me no choice but to read my own,
over and over again.

I am going to try to start this new Category called K.L.T.

Now what does it stand for?

Key Leadership Team?
Kansas Land Trust?
Key Leader Training?
Knots Landing Trivia?
Kulangot Lang Tayo?
Katie Loves Tom?


It stands for,
Killer Links Tuesdays

Where I would try to post some interesting links,
that I have gathered and collected into
my massive Firefox Bookmarks.

I’ve actually done this before,
but it was just bits and pieces of stuff I throw in at the end of a post,
just to give the illusion that there other stuff I look at on the Internets,
besides stuff that end in “X.”

And please, if you have some interesting sites you would like to share,
Feel free to post it in the comments.
(I know you won’t. I just though I’d ask anyway.)

Here are this weeks “K.L.T.”

1.) The size of our world.
2.) How will I die quiz.
3.) Pictures of walls.
4.) 100 Photographs that changed the world.
5.) Who were you in your past life.

And if you’re still hungry for more,
check out the “Family and Friends” links.

Their sites are way better than my crap.

Light Scriber

I have tried that lightscribe burning software,
and I have made my very first official Solo CD.

Well, it’s not really official and it’s not really solo.
Truth be told, it’s not really the first.
But it’s the first one I made with this “lightscribe” label thingy.

And I like it.

I’m going to have to do more of this,
instead of just marking them with a sharpie.

This album consists of songs I have played,
and some of them ended up on this site.

Yes, there are more songs hidden in the depths of my comfutar!

I was going to sell and market my songs to the public,
but as soon as my Mother found out,
she bought all of my copies,
so she can listen to it in her car.

Okay. I am lying
She doesn’t have a car.

And I don’t think the bus driver would appreciate her request
to play this CD over the p.a.

You too can also have a copy of this,
For a special price of $5.00
Email me

Not for Sale

What is it?

It’s not laziness this time.

It’s just,
there’s so much stuff in my mind,
that the moment I even have the slightest courage
to even start pondering any of it,
my head is going to freakin’ explode.

Don’t you have days like that?

too many of those days in one day?

Then you suddenly sit yourself down and realize,
you are not what you thought you are?

Do you have any idea what I am talking about?

Neither do I.

Don’t they have medications for this?

I can’t help it.

Have you ever been in a situation,
where you just can not control yourself?

You know what I mean?

Just like when you’re driving and you see a car accident on the road,
you can’t help but slow down and look
and be curious as to how severe the wreck is?

Or when someone slipped and fell on their butt,
you just can’t help but laugh out loud
before you even attempt to ask them if they were okay.

Instances where you can not help yourself,
like how you can’t control your laughter when someone farted.

Or how you stare at someone talking to you,
as you see a booger hanging from their nose.

Like when you are at a restaurant and the server takes the food out to other people,
you can’t help but stare at it, wondering if it was better than what you ordered?

Cases like that

Well, today, I can add one more thing to these occurrences
where you couldn’t control yourself.

When I go get money from the ATM machine,
and the previous person who was there before me left their transaction receipt,
I can’t help but look at how much money they got.

I just have to.

And it always saddens me.
Because most of the time, I always come across these people
with freaking tens of thousands of dollars,
just letting other people see how much money they have.

It’s insulting, if you ask me.

“Oh look at me. I have tons of money.
I am important.
I have no time to pick up this transaction receipt from the slot.
I have too much money to think about right now.”

Well screw you, Richie Rich!
I hate you and your money too.

I don’t care if you have unlimited money,
so you can buy anything you want,
get anything you don’t even need,
with your fancy clothes and a classy car.

Maybe it’s not really insulting.
I’m not even annoyed.

All I felt was just envy.
Lots and lots of envy.

And I hate myself for even looking.

But I just can’t help it!

Friday Five – Music Stuff

It’s actually Sunday, but I date posted this as a Friday,
Just to give the illusion that I did this on time.

Sometimes I don’t even know why I bother,
because you and I both know that I am going to mess up
the answers to these questions.

But then again, that’s just how I like it.

So here we go.

1.) What was the first CD/Record/Album/Artist you ever bought
and what format was it in? (Vinyl/Cassette/CD/MP3 Download)?

–On Vinyl,
My Sharona. (The Knack)
I discovered a bit of Guitar Rock way back then.

On Casette,
Seven And The Ragged Tiger. (Duran Duran)
I discovered that these guys were actually pretty good musicians,
even though they were overplayed.

On CD,
The Best of Air Supply. (Air Supply)
Because I discovered that listening to Air Supply does not make you gay.
It actually makes you look like a one bad-ass mother(shutyourmouth)

2.) How do you usually listen to music? (iPod/Walkman/Stereo/Radio)
–Usually with my eyes closed.
But just for the sake of this question.
While driving.
(Eyes not closed)

3.) What is your favorite genre of music and why?
–I can go all the way from Jazz, to Ballads, to Country, to Classical.
But is there anything better than playing and listening to ROCK?

4.) What is your opinion on music video shows and music television?
–You know, in the old days, (and by old, I mean the 80’s)
Music Videos are like movies.
They tell stories and even have pretty good plots.
Not to mention good music.
Just don’t ask me for an example because I can not think of any.

5.) Do you usually agree with who the winners of the Grammy Awards are?
–You know in the old days, (and by old, I mean when artists used to have talent)
Awards were given to those who actually deserved it.
Nowadays it is given to the most popular.

That’s why I never win any awards.
I am both unpopular and have no talent.

Unless if you consider my excellent love making skills a talent.
Then I am a GOD.

Call me.

Just not right now.
Family Guy is on in 5 minutes.

Back to Five Questions.

Since, we have never been truly faithful with the “Friday Five’s,”
We’ll do 2 sets of 5 questions,
which should cover us from last week, this week and the next.

My math might be wrong on that one.

I am not good in math.
That’s why I have tourettes.
And my left eye twitch a little bit.

Here are the Q’s.


Who sent it?

Someone sent me a YouTube video of
Paul Gilbert and Mike Szuter
performing an acoustic version of
Green Tinted Sixties Mind.”

Click here to watch it.

That was a wicked version!
I loved it.

So, since you didn’t tell me who you are,


(Carlo, was it you? Send me some more!)

Thanks but no Thanks-giving

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in Canada.

So, I thought it would be my little way of saying thanks,
by going to church during my lunch break at work.

Well, not just to say thanks but also to vent out some anger issues.

So I went to this church,
just a couple of miles from work.

I parked my car,
went to the front door,


So I went around,
Looking for another entrance.
I saw one door,
I went in.

After about 3 minutes of adjusting into my solemn, quiet mode,
there was this elderly lady, that passed right in front of me.
I am not sure if she saw me, but she went out the door,
and locked me inside.

I ran towards the door, knocking loudly,
as I hear her say,
“Hold on just a minute.”

She opened the door, looking pretty upset,
She asked, “How’d you get in?”

I said, “Through this door Ma’am.”

“The church is closed, and I am going to have to lock the doors.” She answered.

I replied, “I was just hoping to find a church to pray.”

“Well, this church is closed, just come back next time.”
She said hurriedly and closed the door behind her.

I walk towards my car, shaking my head in disbelief.

How crazy was that?
I got kicked out of my place of worship.

It was quite disheartening, because I was really in dire need of
deep contemplation and some spiritual attitude adjustment.

Church has always been a place for me to think things through.

Not today.
Not this time.

Remember when churches used to be open all day?
I do!
I know they used to.

It really is getting harder and harder to talk to the Big Boss upstairs.
In these troubled times,
along with some personal turmoil you have,
you can’t help but question your relationship with your God.

Sure, I know He loves me.
I just think I am not one of His favorites.

Am I still thankful?
Of course I am.

I am here writing this crap,
You are there reading this crap,
We’re alive aren’t we?
Let’s just hope we’ll make it through another day.

Happy Thanksgiving!