Category: Just dabbling

Dress me up as….

For Halloween yesterday,
I was going to dress up with a suit and tie,
complete with the jacket and cuff links and all.

Get it?
“Dress up” for Halloween.

But I didn’t
I chickened out.

That should have been my costume.

A Chicken.

Next year,
I will have to do better.

It’s a toss between

a) The Town Drunk


b) The Village Idiot

Seems like the latter sounds good better funner.

How much more?

The lady who gave birth to me,

also known as,
the lady who wouldn’t stop cooking

has been here a week.

And I have already gained 5 lbs.

The woman needs to stop.

I take that back.

It’s Pochero tonight.
Yesterday was Crispy Pata.
And probably Kilawin tomorrow.

My God!
My arteries.
They’re clogging!

–Thank you to all those who greeted my son, on his day.
I truly appreciate it.

Home is here.

My Mom arrives here today, for a visit.
She’s going to be here for 2 weeks.

And as I have always said.

HOME is where MOM is.

It does not matter where that is.
If she’s there, then that’s home.

Now that she’s here,
this can only mean two things.

1.) I am soooo going to have some good food!


2.) The kid is sooooo going to get spoiled.

..and maybe Tyler too.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

“Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada, Ty?”

I was actually asked that question, a couple of years ago,
when we moved here to the States.

You see, I am not quick witted enough.

All I answered was,

“Yes, we do. But we have it in October.”

What I should have said was:

“Yes, we do. But only on Thanksgiving.”

I guess I didn’t say the latter because,
everybody perceives Canadians as polite and proper.

But in all honesty, I did not say that answer because,
I live in the States now, and people here have guns.

And they will use them.

So, this Thanksgiving.
I guess I am thankful that I am still alive.

For now.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

I don’t normally endorse a gadget..

I don’t normally endorse a gadget except for this.

See this?

It’s my Verbatim 2G USB Thumb Drive,
I got from

What’s special with this thing?
Why am I endorsing it?

Well, not just because I am a geek,
and I like gadgetries.

But also because this thing,
has passed the “idiot” test.

You see, I left this thing in my jeans pocket.
Those jeans went through the Laundry Machine,
which also went through the Dryer.

I was so sure, I lost all my files and whatever was in this thing.

Lo and Behold,
as soon as I plugged it in my PC,
the freakin’ thing still worked.

All files are still files.
All folders are still folders.
All access still accessed.

Even the LED light still worked.

Now how cool is that?

Yes it is very cool.

And I am geeking out about it.

And this is why I am a lonely, lonely man.
With no friends.

Season 2. Page 1.

Season 2 of Heroes starts tonight.

If I am frothing in the mouth,
does that mean I am excited about this?

If I am doing all my chores now,
does that mean I do not want to be disturbed later
while this is on?

If Milo and Hayden are dating,
does that mean we will call them Mayden or Haylo?


It never fails!

It never fails.

All week long, the weather was hot as hot can be.

There was a forecast that it was going to rain all weekend.
But it didn’t.

So, since the sun was shining bright,
Tyler and I washed my car.

Then this morning,
Lo and behold,
It was raining like a mother trucker.
We even got flood warnings and wind advisories.

How can that possibly happen overnight?
When I could have sworn there was a Drought yesterday.

Man! It never fails.
Every time I wash my car.

It also never fails that traffic starts when I leave the house,
even if it was 2 in the morning.

It never fails that when I switch to a faster lane,
that lane suddenly stops.

It never fails that there will be one asshole on the road,
cutting everybody off,
feeling like he had to be somewhere important.

If you go to a party,
It never fails that there will always be someone
who ruins everything for everyone.

There’s always something.
There’s always someone.

It never fails.

I think that’s also one of the reasons why the Senators lost the Stanley Cup.

If you want your team to win,
Let me root for their opponent.


It always happens.
It never fails.

I need a break.

I am in Orlando for a week, for training.
And tomorrow’s the exam.

I just took a break from

yes, studying,
to update this site.

I just realized that I haven’t updated this site since …
well, since that post underneath this post.

I need to get back and keep this site up to date.
This is a product of my hard work.
It’s one of my accomplishments.

And I haven’t had any accomplishments in a while.

That’s why I need to pass this exam tomorrow.
Not just because I have to, but also for bragging rights.

You see the last accomplishment I have done successfully was,
this morning while taking a shower,
the bath soap slipped off my hands,
and I caught it!

In mid air!


I am awesome!

And a loser.

An awesome loser!