Category: Just dabbling

Nothing yet.

3 days before Xmas.

I still do not have the Xmas spirit.

I have played a lot of Xmas tunes.
Watched a lot of Xmas movies.
Even smelled the Xmas tree.

Still nothing.

Something better happen soon, or
the Grinch in me will come out
with a vengeance once again.

Well, I got family coming over.
Maybe something will happen.


The Living Legacy

Dan Fogelberg,
renowned singer, songwriter,
passed away today.


In tribute.

Leader Of The Band

Post Link

Thank you very much, Sir.
I have enjoyed your music, a lot.

Here we go again

I have been planning this for a week.

I was going to spend this whole weekend,
playing music, recording songs and just rock out loud.

I was planning on getting busy
to do a whole bunch for this site.
And attempt to bring back the music.

I got sick.

I also got ill,
and ailing,
and unwell.

Now, instead of being busy playing music,
I am busy coughing out my lung through my esophagus.

I think it’s nature’s way of shutting me up.

Xmas is cancelled

I don’t get it.

For those who follow my writings here,
it hasn’t been a secret what I feel about
Medical Doctors.

Or at least every single one I have encountered.
I refuse to believe any “bull crap” they lay on me.

Once the Dentist tells me I need to have something done,
I give him my life savings.

That’s it.

No Xmas for me.

Because you know how it is,
when this time of year comes around,
you have to have bazillions of money.

That’s what Christmas is about.

as of the moment,
it has been canceled.

For me.

Until further notice.

Or until Mr. Armani reads my letter.

The LED!

Led Zeppelin reunited!

Full article –> here.

I would have given my left nut to be there!

I wouldn’t mind you calling me,
Ty! The one nut wonder.

But hey,
I could have been the “one-nutted freak”
who saw “The Led” play!

And Hey! Hey!

Remember this?

Immigrant Song

Post Link

One more left!

Man, this show keeps getting crazy!

It sucks that there will be one show left, until next year.

No matter.
There will be a whole lot of theories floating
before the next one starts.

And before I close this thing..

Is it wrong for me to root for Adam?
I seriously think he’s got a good point.

Cleaning out humankind.
Destroy everything.
Start anew.

That has happened before.

It’s in the Bible I think.
I’m pretty sure of it.

I’ll look it up.

Or probably just Google it too.

Nothing better to do.

As of today,
all registrations on the PHOTOS section of this site
will be subject for approval.


Spammers! That’s why!
These people have nothing better to do!
They just generate a whole bunch of useless traffic on the interwebnet!

As hard as I try to keep these pests away
and keep this site free from their glorious work,
some of them still squeeze through my super-duper-awesome-firewall guard.
(Okay. Maybe not “that” super.)

This latest one I caught,
came from Brazil,
(or not since they might be using a proxy)
left me with 104 comments on the Photos section about
a whole lot of unmentionable links.

It doesn’t bother me much, since I can clean it up.
It’s just time consuming and a pain in the boot-tocks!

Needless to say,
his IP and the IP range have been banned from this site.

Now I’ll go back and (check out) clean up more of those links
because ..uhhh…..

I don’t have anything better to do.

An open letter to Mr. Giorgo Armani

Dear Mr. Armani,

I have read recently on the news that you have offered Soccer player/Celebrity, Mr. Beckham, a certain amount of millions,
to model for your new underwear ad campaign.

I am not an expert in Economics and business Sir,
but I am certain to believe that you are investing a crapload of money
for someone who does not represent the average male
who are your potential would-be buyers.


Turkey Day 2007

Is it Turkey Day or Thanksgiving Day?

I am not too sure.

If it’s Turkey Day,
then there has to be some Turkey on our dinner table.
But there’s none.
Mainly because I am a big supporter of the
“Coalition against the slaughter of Turkeys” every year.

I guess if it’s Thanksgiving day,
you have to be thankful for something.

Well. I guess I am thankful for you who keeps on looking at this site,
and listening to my crap.

There’s really nothing special about this thing.
It’s just a site.
There are tons of other sites way better than mine.

Sure I play music here,
but that’s just me expressing my frustrations.

I tried submitting my music to recording companies,
but they just ignored me and tried to kick me out their door.
Maybe because I wasn’t wearing any pants then,
but that’s not the point.

So I made myself this site, just for my own amusement.

So Thanks to you,
who kept on listening through all these years at denofmusic.

Where the Music has found a place to play.

That sounded quite descent didn’t it?
I am a dang good brown noser eh?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

**Photo art courtesy of Tyler.
(I do not know where he saw a green Turkey and green mice.)