Category: Just dabbling

Thank you!

One whole week of no posts.

It must have been one hell of a Birthday Party for me.

And when I say Party,
I meant
staying home,
watching Little Einsteins,
and wallowing in self pity.

No Matter!
Thank you to all for the greet!

Now I better go to bed.
I have to be early at work tomorrow.

Millions of people on welfare depend on me!

What I am

So I went to church for Ash Wednesday.

You know?
Wednesday of Ashes?

An “In-your-face” reminder for what we truly are,
what we came from and what we’re going to end up as.

So after the priest imposed the black ash on my forehead,
I came back to my seat.
And there were two old ladies, sitting on my chair.

I have no clue how they would suddenly decide
to take someone else’s seat.
Hoping that no one would notice.

I did not really mind.
I would have given them my seat.

The place was packed,
and finding an empty space in a pew is impossible.
But to steal it just like that is still not right.

Other people around me were wondering what I was going to do,
because they know that that was my seat.

So I just stood there behind them,
and thinking about that day as “Ash Wednesday,”
it showed me what I truly am.

A bitter, angry man who doesn’t like people.

And it just showed me what the people around me truly are.

A bunch of Cous Rouge!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Kristine.

My official music manager and distributor.
She campaigned for my music so much,
that she actually listens to them.
Over and over.

In effect,
we were sold out with all of our gigs at rehabs and prison halls.

And for getting me the award for
“Most preferred torture music” to listen to.

All the best to you,
And your loved ones.

Mahal kita.

Mice Pays

If there’s one thing I refused to do,
is to actually sign up on MySpace.

Everybody has a MySpace space.
Celebrities, Politicians,
Every High School teenager
walking the earth right now.
And even your cousin’s neighbor’s lawnmower guy.

But just quite recently,
When I googled my site,
(because just like any other lazy geek out there,
that’s how I get on it.
I am too lazy to type the triple w’s and the .com.)

I saw this search result,
A profile on myspace with “denofmusic” attached to it.

Apparently, I think it’s from another musician from the U.K.

At first I was like,
“Hey! That’s my domain name!”

But then I realized,
He could be my way of getting noticed.
People may think that they are going to his website,
and end up on mine.

I didn’t really mind the name issue.
This could be some good exposure for me to other musicians.

But then again,
It could be the opposite too.

They might see this site and end up disappointed.

Maybe I should sign up on MySpace
and ask them to be my friend.

Then I would meet some Hot chick
and we would meet up,
and they would end up to be my cousin’s neighbor’s lawnmower guy.

His real name is Mario.

Exit Sandman?

I understand you’ve been running from a man,
that goes by the name of “The Sandman.”

Let me introduce to you my new friend.
The Sandman.

In traditional folklore,
The Sandman is supposed to lull you to sleep.

It is said that he sprinkles your eyes with sand or dust,
causing you to go nite nite.

Well my friends,
this new friend of mine,
apparently likes me a bit too much.
Because he freakin’ sprays my eyes even in the brightness of day.

I try to sleep enough hours at night,
but I just can’t seem to keep myself awake in the morning.

He doesn’t care if I am busy at work,
having lunch,
or just having a conversation with a co-worker.
I am seriously close to having a locked jaw
with all the yawning I do.

He loves me a lot particularly when I am driving.
It doesn’t matter if I blast my radio and sing like a madman.
My eyes would twitch, begging me to shut it.

Numerous times at a stoplight,
the guy behind me would honk his horn,
telling me that the light is green.
With a couple of swear words I’d rather not tell.

I don’t know.
I write this thing jokingly here,
but it’s really not cool.

It’s hard work really.
Trying to stay awake and focused.
It’s both maddening and exhausting.

What do you guys recommend?
Besides injecting my arm with caffeine.

So far..

10 days into the year,

and it is pretty much “sucking” so far.

The “optimism” of the “new year”
is pretty much out the friggin’ window.

Something better change soon.