Author: Ty

Bosco ’91 – Annual Gift Giving

During this time of season,
my High School batch get together to host this event
for the less fortunate youth in the Philippines.

We all get in touch with each other, and we share and contribute
our time and efforts, money or in kind,
to allow the kids to enjoy the holidays.
Even for just a day.

Something that they will remember
that they are not alone.
Something they will remember
that all isn’t too bad.

And us as their big brother.
Their mentors. Their guide.
They carry on, hoping that we have influenced their lives,
their decisions and their ways.

I am proud to be one of these fine gentlemen,
who give their time and care
for the youth of tomorrow.

Mabuhay kayo mga kapatid.
Mabuhay ang Busko ’91.

Pro Deo Et Patria!

Just a thought

Have you ever wondered how you would feel
if somebody had to describe you to someone?

I mean not just physical features,
but your personality, attitude
and how you affect the describer.

I am not talking about using the words “Cool,”
or “Great.”
Or “Awesome.”

I’m talking about real words
like how you describe a feeling.
Or a taste.
Or pain.

I was just wondering because
When someone describes somebody to me,
Someone who I have never met or known,
I can actually tell how they feel about that person.

The way they describe them,
The way they move,
The way they act
Or the words they choose.
Even the tone of their voice.

I was just wondering,
how do I come about,
if someone had to describe me,
to a person I have never met.

Don’t you even wonder?
Or is it just me?


At this point of my existence,
I have been presented with another situation
with regards to my wellness.

And I have been pondering on possible solutions to how I could remedy this quandary.

Sometimes, you come to a certain crossroad in your life,
when you really do not want to choose any path,
nor find any reason or will to go on.

And then…

or someone
or somehow,
you get a clear perspective of how things are
and gives you enough reason to fight.

To go on.

Even for one last time.

I was talking to a co-worker today
and he gave me a little wisdom just by sharing some of his views.

“Life is full of setbacks.
It’s how we deal with them that makes us different.”

I really think highly of this person, and he sure did make a lot of sense.

But in all honesty, I could have said the exact same thing.
I could have reminded myself of that.

Because I read a similar lesson
coming from Dumbledore.
And Gandalf.

Category gone

One category done.

Doing some code cleaning yesterday,
and I realized that one of my categories
does not have any more use for me.

I started the category KLT here before for “Killer Links Tuesdays.”
Where I share a whole bunch of interesting and funny sites that I came across with.
But that was during the days when I was still fascinated with the Word Wide Web.
I used to love getting ideas and stuff from other sites to better my own.
But that has no use for me now.
It didn’t really help.

It should be the same when dealing with your day to day life.
Get rid of the stuff that has no importance.
Let go of whatever brings you down.

Except when you’re falling off a cliff and you’re holding on for dear life.
Don’t let go then.

Wait. What?

See? Stupid shit like that
makes me want to shut this site down.
Non sense!

Random Thought Of The Day

Sometimes, I’d rather have my life be based on true music,
rather than it being based on a true story.

I seem to feel the life,
the will,
the emotions
and worth,
through music instead.

New Video Song Cover – With Or Without You

Not another one?
Why, yes!
I had to.

I have to see if my guitars still know who their boss is.
Even though it turns out that it’s not me.
But no matter.

I have conjured enough time, effort and courage
to make this one.

It’s one of my favourite U2 songs.

With or Without You.
All instruments by me, as you will see.

Does anybody know a good Video editing software for Windows?
This Live Movie maker is driving me nuts.
I am forced to edit in both XP and Win7.


Dreams do come true.

You see it in movies.
You hear it in songs.
You might have known some people who are lucky enough to have theirs fulfilled.

But what they don’t really tell you,
is that Nightmares do too.

And when they do,
they really hurt.

Simple things

This Thanksgiving,
I am grateful for the simple things.

Like the Power of the “E chord.”
I like that chord.

I also am thankful for The “G” chord and “C.”
They blend very well together.

I am not too sure about the “A.”
I don’t think it likes me that much.

Maybe “A minor.”
I like the sad, haunting sound it makes.

Oh well.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.