Author: Ty

Lesson of the day

Something I learned today:

“Know those who love you truly and won’t give you up.
Some of them really care, but most of them are just curious.”

– Things go through my head when I just sit here, pretending not to care.

Need and Want

I saw this quote the other day.

“The world has enough for everyone’s needs.
Not enough for everyone’s wants.”

Now, I understand the big difference between the two.
But in fairness, the “Wants” motivates us to achieve more.
It helps us to focus and persevere.

We understand what we “Need.”
It’s the “Wants” that makes you get up in the morning and
Take on all the stuff this world feeds you.

It’s when people give up on what they “Want” that they realize what they “Need.”
Other times, people have too much “Wants” that they lose what they “Need.”

Some people would sacrifice losing what they “Want” for the same reason that they need their “Need.”

Do you know what I mean?
It’s a crazy vicious cycle.

I think what should really happen is,
For the world to stop showing us what we “Want,” and just tell us what we “Need.”

That’ll save everybody a whole lot of trouble.

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday – Something that reminds you of the past.
A throwback picture for now.

Goodness. I forgot I used to wear glasses.
Oh and I used to have hair.
And was in shape.
And full of hope.

This might have been a different person.
Not me.


Jon Lord of Deep Purple

Most of the time
when we are fans of certain bands,
we only remember certain members.

The popular ones.
The ones you idolize.
The ones you think are good looking.

But there are a whole lot more of that amazing talent
that makes the band, “your favourite band.”

Jon Lord is one of the founding members of the great band, Deep Purple.
His name might not be as familiar as Richie Blackmore or Ian Gillian,
but he still is a big part of this amazing music group.

They also need to be recognized.

Deep purple is one of my favourites.
And here’s my old cover of one of their tunes.

Maybe I’m A Leo.

Rest in peace, Mr. Lord.

The Satch

Happy Birthday to, Mr. Joe Satriani.


I remember hearing the “Surfing With The Alien” Album
and I never looked at the Guitar the same way again.
Much like the first time I heard Eddie Van Halen, or Tony Iommi.
I didn’t know the guitar can even do those sounds.

Joe Satriani has always been a great influence on me.
I know I could never do his technique, no matter how I try.
But his impossible style and crazy, innovative notes just blows my mind.
Every single time.

I saw him in concert twice.
And twice I never wanted it to end.

If you have the time,
read my reviews here of those two shows.

April 25, 2006 and on April 3, 2007

I must admit, I have all of his albums
and they never leave my iPod playlist.

Here are 2 of his songs that I have covered.

Always With Me, Always With You


Tears In The Rain

Oh and do you know
he follows me on Twitter?

Mr. Sambo


Today is Richie Sambora’s Birthday.
Guitarist for the band Bon Jovi.
One of my idols.
My friends and I played a lot of their songs back in the day.
And I mean “a lot.”

I have always said that Richie is one of the most underrated guitar players of our generation.
Cast aside the distractions of Glam Rock back in the 80’s,
you would actually hear how intricate his melodies are.

I also love his 2 solo albums
and I heard that he is working on a 3rd.
I can’t wait to get that one too.

So, Happy Birthday to you Mr. Sambo.
You don’t know me, but you and I go way back.

Here’s a cover I did back in ’06.
It’s called Bed Of Roses, by Bon Jovi.

Thank you.

A long time ago,
someone told me that there are a lot of people who truly care for me
and would always stick by me no matter what.

This is just a little post
to recognize all of them who really do. And did.

Because it is true
and I never say it often.

I thank you.

You make the music in me.

Moving on….

New Song Added – Maging Sino Ka Man

Alright. I came up with this one.

It’s an old Filipino Classic and definitely one of my favourites.

Maging Sino Ka Man, by Mr. Rey Valera.
The literal translation would me “Whomever you may be.”

The song’s message is
“I would love you whomever you may be.
I don’t care what your past was,
and whatever anyone says is not important.”

I just used some backing drums from a Midi file I found
and I replaced the acoustic guitar with piano,
and the solo Saxophone as solo electric guitar.
I like how that one turned out.
Gave it a bit of a “Rock feel.”

I can’t do anything with the vocals though.
That’s what I came up with after a good 39 takes.
That’s just gonna be as good as it gets.

So here’s Maging Sino Ka Man
Music by – Rey Valera
Cover by – Ty Martell

Hope you like this one.

Lyrics Start Here