Author: Ty

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Another proof

Here’s another proof of my Dad’s corny jokes.
And by Jokes, I mean be ready to cringe.

I drove him to Tarlac this one time to see one of his clients.
He talked to the gentleman for a bit while I waited at the lot looking at the vehicles parked there.
One of them was a Chevrolet Truck and while I was checking it out,
Dad and his client seemed to have agreed on something and he asked us to wait for him
as he’ll grab something in his house.

Dad comes up to me and noticed I was looking at the truck.
He said, “Nice truck, huh?”
“Yes, it is.” I replied back.
He added, “Someone once corrected me by pronouncing Chevrolet as Chev-Ro-LET.
With the hard “T” at the end. It should be Chev-Ro-LEY.”

I stared at him waiting for the punch line, I asked “What did you say?”
“He said, “Well, I suppose we should call your Mommy Lolette, Mommy LoLEY.”

–You see it’s my Dad’s Birthday today.
And I try to share all these memories of him so he will never be forgotten.
I miss him dearly.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

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Besides the horrible body aches and the cough that makes your lungs explode,
I am not a big fan of the “Loss of Taste” part.

It’s so bad it makes you want to hate everything in life!

Let me prove my point.
There was a time in history when explorers navigated the whole world looking for spices.
There was a massive trade of these things to make their food taste better.

Lives were lost and Lands were conquered just because the food back then was so bad!
No one likes bland, tasteless food!
I like food! I like to eat!

So during this whole time I have this Covid Crap,
I just keep eating everything in sight, hoping my taste buds would come back soon.

I wouldn’t want to murdelize people or conquerage some acreage!

And if I had to invent words like what I just did there,
You know I wasn’t kidding!