Author: Ty

denofmusic tweets


denofmusic tweets


A little piano music

So the Hospital won’t let me back in because visiting hours are over.

I went back to the lodge and snuck in a little piano playing by the common area.

Thought I’d share this, because I’m bored and I couldn’t annoy Natalie while she’s recovering.

Hospital Update

Hello to all!

All went well with the procedure and Natalie is now in recovery.

Thank you for all your messages, prayers and best wishes.

I’m figuring out how I can get some of her morphine coz I think I need it too.

Like, a lot.

Too many Hospital visits

So, Natalie is undergoing surgery today.

Here’s to hoping everything will go well.

Thanking all our family and friends who are sending their best wishes and prayers.

Good thing we have some support from them.
It’s not easy when you’re full of stress, fear and anger.

Natalie and I had too many Hospital encounters and bad experiences
even before we got married.

Hopefully this time, things will be better.


Natalie is being prepped for surgery at this moment.
Now we play the waiting game.

Thank you to all for your wishes and support.

Will send updates after they call me and I have seen her.
I need proof first.

I miss this cat.

This popped up on my Memories feed the other day.

I was showing Tyra what other cats do outside.

She was like, “No way?”
And I was like, “Yes, Way!”
And we were both like, “Whoa!”

We never went outside though.
Because outside is horrible.

I miss this cat so much.

The WindowsXP Operating System on my laptop?
Not really.

denofmusic tweets
