Thank you very much, @ColourMonroe.
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) May 6, 2016
Author: Ty
denofmusic tweets
If a chocolate tells you to do it, you are obligated by law to do so. #fact
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) May 5, 2016
denofmusic tweets
There is a Poutine Festival happening in #ottawa right now and I am sitting here wiping my tears because there's 1200 Miles separating us.
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) May 5, 2016
denofmusic tweets
Here's BB-8 and his Master Po. #maybethewrongPoe #maythe4thbewithyou
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) May 4, 2016
denofmusic tweets
Happy #StarWars Day. #maythe4thbewithyou
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) May 4, 2016
May Day 2016
Did you guys seriously think that this day would go by
without me subjecting you to today’s theme song?
I made this cover for MayDay.
The theme song of the “Kilusang Mayo Uno.”
You will not escape this.
You guys should know better than that.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
denofmusic tweets
“Smile, though your heart is aching. Smile, even though it’s breaking.”
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) April 29, 2016
denofmusic tweets
You guys. I have the hugest crush on @MsJamieClayton and @Tuppence of #Sense8. But don’t tell them. I don’t want it to become awkward.
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) April 27, 2016
denofmusic tweets
Should I find out all the hoopla with this lemonade and Beyoncé thing?
I didn’t think so too. Thanks.
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) April 26, 2016
denofmusic tweets
That was hilarious! #3teethleft
— Ty Martell (@denofmusic) April 26, 2016