Author: Ty

Today’s Friday Five

1) Have you read more books, or fewer books, this past year than usual?
This last year? Definitely fewer. And by “fewer” I meant “none.”
But, as my friend Abbie had said, if you count reading the subtitles of shows you watched,
then, Yea! I’ve read tons!

2) What book are you reading now (or what book did you read most recently)?
-The last book I was reading was Inferno by Dan Brown. I was on it when Mom was sick and I was reading that while flying back and forth from Florida to Ontario.
Circumstances concerning everything had turned to dire so I just stopped.
I have planned on re-reading Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” Just because I watch the movies at least twice a year. I just always put it off because let’s face it. That monstrous of a book is a hard read.
I have also thought of finally reading “Game of Thrones” just to get the horrible taste of the last three seasons out of my mouth. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.

3) What is the best book you read in the past few years?
-I genuinely enjoyed the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Harry Potter of course. Oh and Lamb by Christopher Moore was a hoot.

4) Do you read more than one book at a time, or just one?
-Nope. I can’t. I tried. Characters were starting to crossover in my head.

5) How big is your to-be-read pile (or list)?
-I just checked my Goodreads Profile.
Ugh! 52 as of last wishlist.

Today I learned This

“Grief and Pain can shift Faith.”

I can’t even remember where I read or heard this.
Probably from one of the numerous TV Shows I watch.

Anyway, I think it’s so apt because I am basing that on experience.
I know I am not as bad as some people who are really going through stuff,
and I know things do happen for a reason.

But, What the Fuck? Right?

I know things are hard for everyone right now with the pandemic and all.
But we can’t always blame the Pandemic for everything.
I’ve always been a guy who tries to deduce the root cause of anything I dislike
or things I don’t agree with and see the point of view from the other side.

Sometimes, I think fighting isn’t even worth it at all.
There are more chances of you losing than achieving what you fought for.

But what do I know?

I’m just a guy trying to write down his thoughts on a website.

Hey! this could be a thing.
“Today I Learned This.”

I’m gonna make it as a category.

Back to the Friday Five

Hey! Remember this?

The Friday Five?

Me and my friends who used to be into blogs did this religiously for a while.

We kind of enjoyed it.

Let’s see how it feels if I bring it back again.

Since I just started a new job, I would like to try this.

Here we go.

1) What has been your favorite job?
-Of course, it’s my previous one where I was a Senior Network Tech.

2) What did you like about it?
–I was there for 14 years and it has given me a great opportunity to learn about my passion in Technology. Also was fortunate enough to work with such amazing and admirable people.
But you know what? if Money is not a concern, I would give a good shout-out when I was a Janitor at a Hotel Spa. I worked at nights and I never got to deal much with people. Except for the occasional Hotel Managers who treat you like crap, but still. As long as I finish my work, I got to read my school books. Use the facilities. Nap. It was great!

3) How can a kid become like you when they grow up?
– I don’t know if I want anyone to grow up like me. All I can say is as long as you make good choices. Not join the wrong group. Treat people with kindness, you’ll be all right.

4) What safeguards do you use to avoid mistakes?
-Besides paying attention? I do not think there’s a foolproof way to avoid mistakes.

5) What’s changed in the world that you’ve had a hard time keeping up with?
-I miss the simplicity of being young. Everything was simpler.
Being an adult is overrated. I know you agree with me on this.


Let me tell you a story


But first, a big THANK YOU for all the birthday greets.
Those who called, texted and instant messaged.
Thank you for making me look way more popular than I really am.

Thank you to my wife, Natalie,
for feeding me the best cake ever created in the history of cakes.
Also for being my Valentine Partner.
Or is it Quarantine Partner? I’m confused.
I love you, baby. Thanks for putting up with me.

Now, my story.

I remember when I was young,
my Mother told me I was supposed to be born
a week or so after Valentines Day.
But she said she prayed that I come out on the 14th,
so my birthday would be memorable.
She even said she talked to me hoping I’ll hear her.

Well, what do you know?
I did!

Not only that! I came out just above 8lbs. and in the middle of the day.
Not some unholy hour.

That’s called being considerate and honoring your Mother’s wishes.

So on your birthday, call and thank your Mother.
It’s her day too.

Thanks again, everyone.


Starting over .. again

So, where were we?
Man! Lots of stuff to catch up on, eh?

Oh, yeah!
It’s my Birthday today and I took this picture from a Calendar at work earlier this week while heating up my lunch.

I didn’t draw any picture but I did play the Happy Birthday song on my Guitar.

Sometimes you got to sing your self a song.
From yourself. For yourself.

Hey! Who else is going to cheer you up when things are confusing and bleak.

Anyway, I thought I’d revive this website (Again).
I might as well since I’m paying for it and it was just sitting here collecting dust.

I thought I’d start today since it’s a new Life Year for me.
Another trip around the Sun. 
Another attempt to make the most out of what the World gave you.

So, where were we again?

Well, I suppose we better get to know each other once more
and like I said,  I figured I’ll go back and restart this site.

But what’s gonna be different?

I don’t know. We’ll see.
Maybe it’ll be good. Maybe it’ll be boring.

Who knows? As long as I am active on it, right?
Maybe add more music?
Maybe add more observations.
More topics.


So, Welcome to  2.0?, 2.01?, 3.0? 4….. Ugh! 
“The return of his comeback!”

(Insert faceplant pic here.)