Author: Ty

Earth Day 2009!

Happy Earth Day!

In observance of Earth Day,
I wanted to do something to help the environment.

I thought of millions of people driving to work
contributing to all the toxic fumes and smoke
on to our fragile air.

I would have taken the bus if I was still in Ottawa,
but not where I live.
Where a vehicle is a necessity.

to do my part,
I drove to work really, really fast.
I mean, really fast.

That minimized my time on the road!

Oh and for good measure.
I turned off the air climate controls.

But not my sounds.
Oh no!
Air pollution first.

Noise pollution?
Some other time.

I am not an environmentalist.
Just doing my part.

Sounds like…

A couple of days ago, there was a buzz going on around the net,
about the band Coldplay plagiarized one of Joe Satriani’s songs.

Here’s a link about it. —CNET

Now listen to me,
I know this is true because I used to be a Rock Star in my mind.
And I kicked ass on Guitar Hero Level 1.

One thing about the music industry,
and everybody knows this,

is that “all artists always steal an idea or riff from some other artist.”

That is called, influence.”

You know how every musician says,
“I was influenced by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who….”

“I listened to a lot of “Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Rock and Roll…”

“I lived through the music of the 70’s, the 80’s the 90’s and to the millennium.”

You see my point?

Every song created and recorded will always have a hint of the artist’s influence.

Now I have heard the two songs in question somewhere on Youtube,
which, apparently has been taken down, as of this writing,
so I can not show it to you.
But it did sound very similar.

Now I am not here to pass judgment
nor ridicule a very talented group of musicians.

But “sounding like” someones music is way different
than “copying” someones music.

Did that make sense?

All I am saying is,
I hope no one notices all the covers I do here,
because I do not want anyone going after my ass.

You know,
come to think of it,
That Popular Vanilla Ice song sounded pretty much like that one
Queen song.

That Madonna song about a certain Pie from America, did sound a little familiar.

That song by Puff Daddy, did sound like that one song by The Police.

That song by Ty, did sound like a whole bunch of crap!

Please don’t sue me.

New song added.

I really didn’t think I could do this one,
for obvious reasons.

And when I say obvious reasons,
I mean I really can’t do this song.

But when I was in the Philippines,
and we were hitting the “Magic Mic Karaoke Machine”
at my sister Beth’s place,
Kristine insisted that I sing this one.

And when I say insisted,
I mean I better do it or she would literally twist my arm.

So I did,
And I was actually surprised I was able to finish this one,
with only minor injuries.

It was probably because I was on my 3rd glass of wine,
Or it was from fear.

It has inspired me to do and try a lot more songs
that I normally wouldn’t attempt.

In conclusion, after doing this song,
I realized, that I still can’t do it.
But I will not spare you the agony of hearing this one.

So, here’s a great song by Journey,
and how it came out of my brain, my voice and fingers.


:Voice and all instruments by – Ty Martell

Click here for Lyrics.