Author: Ty

I am nice.

Many of you might not believe me,
but I truly am nice.

I don’t want to toot my own horn,
so here’s my friend Herschelle, mentioning me on her site.

I told you I was nice.
Except maybe when I’m hungry.

Du bist Willkommen, Anne!


Yes, it may be faster and capable of more features,
but I am quite disappointed with the new iPhone 3GS.

Don’t get me wrong, I want it too.
But there is no way I am paying that much for a phone ever again.
I have learned my lesson there by acquiring the 3G.
(Unless my friend KaJo would hook me up into getting a better price.)

All I ever want is background apps.
I want my apps to run in the background, while I do other stuff on it.
3.0 is a good upgrade, and it promises Push Notifications, which is great!

I’ll worry about battery drain, Apple.
Just give me the ability to run multiple apps.

I have already forgiven you with the MMS support,
since I realized there is really no need to send a picture to my friends
of what crazy stuff I am getting in trouble from, at 3 in the morning.
There really is no urgency in that.
Unless they need proof that I really am in jail,
when I ask them to bail me out.

No matter.
A phone is a phone.
It can only give me whatever the carrier can support.
Even if I have the most complicated, most advanced phone,
it can only give me so much speed and stability
as the carrier can provide me.

So what I am saying is,
The real major failure here is AT&T.

29 other carriers, worldwide can support the features of the new
iPhone and the 3.0 OS, but not AT&T.

Why would they care?
No other carrier in the US has the freakin’ phone.
They need some competition with this crap.

I hope Apple sees this as a blackeye for them too.
I don’t understand why AT&T is not ready for this.
This thing did not happen overnight.

Or maybe.
Apple did not tell AT&T that they are doing this.
It gives them some credible reason to opt out from AT&T’s iPhone exclusivity

Very well played, Apple.
Very well played.

(Kaj, hook me up!)

I want my MTV!

AAhh!! The MTV Movie awards!
Another indication that I am old!
Another proof of how I cannot stand
this new generation of stars and celebrities.

I do not understand what these guys are trying to prove.
They already have the talent, (Well, some of them do.)
so why in the hell would they try to impress you more with such nonsense.
The shock value they are trying to convey
does not “shock” anymore.



I told you before.

If the NHL or the NBA finals are in full swing,
I am practically useless.

That is mainly the reason why there are no updates on this site.

In fact, I am writing this so fast,
I am not even gonna bthr wth the spellingf corrctns.

And no! I am not going to reveal who I am rooting for
since every time I do, they lose.

It’s true.
That is according to “The Prophecy!”

Memorial Day ’09

Put down your burgers and beer for a second
and remember the fallen.

Their courage is the reason you are there,
enjoying your burgers and beer.

Thank you.


The patriot’s blood is the seed of Freedom’s tree.
~Thomas Campbell

New Song Added – First Of May

Year after year,
on May 1st,
I always have this song in my head.

It’s by the legendary Bee Gees.
One of my favourite music artists of all time.

Their songs are all great.
And this one, I think,
is definitely one of the best songs ever written.

First Of May

Mobile Player here:

Voice, all Instruments and percussion arrangements – Ty Martell

I must apologize on how I sang this one.
I couldn’t stop crying when I was doing this.
Just like what the lyrics said.
“Guess who’ll cry, come first of May.”

Yup. It was me.
I was crying like I was in Labor.

Oh yeah!
It’s Labor Day in the Philippines today.

So this song is perfect.

Isn’t it weird?

Isn’t it weird when you have something on your mind,
or something that you wanted to do,
every single thing around you seems to give you a constant reminder of whatever it is.
Life seems to either give you encouragement or mock you in the face.

You know what I am talking about?

Par example, mes amis.
