Author: Ty

New Song Added – Waste Of Time of the things I enjoy doing
is when I do cover songs that I like,
I try to put my own spin on it.

I try to change the solo guitar,
change the voice direction,
or just make it a totally different genre.

I like that. I enjoy it.

Sometimes, not because I want to,
but because I am very limited.

For example,
I record this all on my computer.
I do not have any sophisticated mixing machines.
That’s why the quality of my music is quite spotty.

My voice does not span a lot of range,
So I had to transpose the chords 2, 3 even 5 times,
just for me to be able to sing them.

My fingers don’t move as fast,
so I create and substitute different notes.
Sometimes, I would just pick the same couple of notes,
just to give the illusion of some serious shredding.

And my appearance is quite horrid to see,
So I use a lot of make-up and wear hats.

Now you suddenly just realized what I told you was pointless,
and I just wasted your time.

So in saying that,
here’s a new song that I covered.
And when I say covered,
I mean I butchered it,
and I will force you to listen.

It’s called “Waste Of Time”
by Paul Gilbert and Freddie Nelson,
from their album, United States.

I hope you like it,
and please buy their album.
It’s definitely not a waste.

Music by – Paul Gilbert and Freddie Nelson

  • Voice, all instruments (except percussions) by – Ty Martell

(If you are using Firefox and having some issues on playback,
Please use Internet Explorer, or another browser. Thank you.)

I think it works with this plug in.

Well that’s just great.

I enabled some features for this site,
just for being able to have more control over the files and content.

And now, the music won’t play
if you’re using Firefox.
(It has something to do with the way it renders Referers)

I use Firefox, Damnit!

Works fine with IE, though.
And Google Chrome as well.
(I haven’t tried Opera yet.)

So, if for some reason you are bored
and have nothing better to do.
And you “really” are wanting to waste your time,
Use Internet Explorer for now, to listen to my music.

I really don’t use IE anymore.
Firefox has well best suited my browsing needs.
It has blocked Pop-ups and most crap that hijacks the websites I go to.

Apparently, it has gotten so great
that it figured out the quality of my music.
It decided to block that too.

That’s fine.
I would rather find a solution to my dilemma
than allow myself to be susceptible to
Spam, Spywares, Phishings and what have you.

I don’t blame the Internet.
I blame the asswipes who contribute
to the craptation of the Internet.

Oh and I also blame the Decepticons.

Where to begin?

I have so many songs I would like to do and record.
I just don’t know where to begin
or which one to do first.

I have been playing a lot of Piano lately though.
I don’t know why.

First, I thought it was because I have been feeling quite sentimental these past few days.
I thought it was the nice, soothing sound the piano makes.
How the calming notes and melodies resonate through my ears.
Touches my soul.

I thought it was that.

Then I realized,
It was because
I was too lazy to change my guitar strings.

It’s a lot of work!

I need a roadie.

No Good Deed


You know,
sometimes the harder you try,
the harder it comes.

Life really does have a funny way
of kicking your ass when you’re down.

A Tribute to Michael

I guess the whole world knows,
that the King of Pop passed away today.

All his personal matters aside,
I truly admire Mr. Jackson’s music and talent.

I grew up when he was on top of everything.
And as a musician, you couldn’t help but
be in awe of what he has accomplished.

Here is my tribute to him.
Thank you very much, Your Excellency.

Music And Me

Music by – Michael Jackson
Voice, all instruments and percussion arrangement by – Ty Martell

I chose this song,
Not only because it’s one of my favourites,
but also because the lyrics are very personal to me.

It has taught me that,
When all has come to pass,
When all is said and done,
When nothing else matters,
It’s just me and the music.


Folding @ Home

I would like to tell you about a process called
“Distributed Computing.”

I know its a little technical term,
and it has “Boring” written all over it.
But if I could just have your attention for a minute,
I would like to share with you how this can be a great thing.


Digital Switch

Tomorrow marks the historic transition
from Analog to Digital TV Broadcast.

I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded of it
since the government and the media pretty much
shoved it into our brains that we need to be ready for this new conspiracy.

I mean, come on.
The only ones that are really going to be affected are those who still use
the old Over-The-Air antenna reception that you get for free.
(This means you, Grandma.)

They don’t like that.
They do not like anyone getting anything for free.
And they made sure each and every member of your household knows
about the transition and how horrible it is if they get left behind.

My God, what are they so afraid of?
Are they afraid that if people don’t get to watch their TV Programs,
they might do something else… like
Go outside?
See other people?
Or worse,
Read a book?

Turning pages, rather than switching channels?
The horror!

Heck yeah, I’m ready.
It’s the NBA playoffs!
I have to have that in Digital!