Author: Ty

Back to Friday 5!

Remember this?

Back to Friday 5!

Man, I haven’t done this in a while.
Let’s revisit how fun the questions are
and I will try my best to answer them as straight and truthful as I can be.

1.) What story did you love reading, as a child?

-I actually loved a lot of comic books.
I followed the stories of Hägar the Horrible, because of its subtle sarcastic humour.
I loved everything on Pugad Baboy.
Everything in Funny Komiks.
I laughed out loud with every Asterix comics.
And also The Adventures of Tintin.

2.) What remains to be your all-time favorite book?

-I love books, but I must say that the only book(s) I read more than once are,
the Harry Potter Series by J. Rowling and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
I am planning on re-reading Lamb, by Christopher Moore too.

3.) What book do you usually recommend to people?

-I don’t usually recommend books to people, since books are very subjective.
I might like a particular story, but it might not appeal to another.
I just tell them what books I have read and liked.

4.) If you were a character in a book, who would you be?

-I would like to be Lestat. (Anne Rice Vampire chronicles)
I would like to see the world through his eyes.

5.) If you could write a book, what would it be about?

-I actually had this great idea for a book.
A vampire who falls in love with a human girl, but tries his best not to, since he knows he would destroy her. But the girl loves him too, so they try to make it work.
They do normal stuff, like play baseball with his vampire family in a lightning storm.
And then, ninjas would come along and try to take the girl, and the Vampire guy takes out his light saber and attacks the Ninjas, but they all rode in their broomsticks with freakin’ lasers coming out of its tail.

Did I mess it up?

Oh man!
I was doing pretty good with my answers too!

The VMAs ’09

I don’t think anyone has not heard of what happened at the MTV Movie awards last Sunday.
So let me get right through it.

I was going to post this yesterday, but I had my wisdom tooth pulled out.
I was hurting and shoving my mouth with ice cream at the same time.
I was a little busy.


Labor day!

Happy Labor Day to all!

Now what is this Labor Day? Or as they say it in Canada, Labour Day.
What is this holiday and why do we celebrate it?

I would like to think that it’s a day for Women in Labor.
Not that I like seeing women going through the pains of childbirth,
but because, everywhere I look, I see pregnant women everywhere.
It’s like the freakin’ baby boom generation all over again.

But no. It’s not that.
Labor day actually started in Canada.
A day spent celebrating the labor worker’s organizations.

That is a beautiful thing.
We recognize the rights and liberties of the common worker.

Now what does that mean for all of us?
Now listen to me, because this is important:

The Labor Day movement,
Signifies the fact
that at your place of work,
you can never be fired.
They can’t just lay you off neither.

Because Slaves have to be SOLD!

You see?
You see how much you learn here on this site?

Here at
We may not be the best site out there,
But by gosh, we really like to think so.

As you can see..

..or you might have seen and noticed,
that I have not done any updates on this site in a while.
And I have disabled all of the Music in here too.

It’s not that I have nothing to update and say,
I just took a break from everything.

Well, not everything.
Just this site.

It has betrayed me.

Let me explain.

As you know, I have worked on this site for a very long time now.
I have spent countless hours re-modeling the design,
writing and re-writing the posts,
rehearsing, playing and recording all the music,
and not to mention the maintenance this site needs.
I have tried my best to keep my stuff how I want them.

Then you see, not too long ago,
I have detected that my files and codes were tampered with.
All my intrusion logs showed unauthorized access on one directory.

Nothing major really.
Someone was just able to decipher my codings and was able to have access to some of my files.
Luckily, no damage has been done.

But ever since then, I seem to have lost interest in this site.
I can’t shake the thought of some other person
meddling with what I hold most dear.
I can’t get rid of the feeling that it is now contaminated and dirty.

I know it’s not this site’s fault.
I am sure it didn’t want to give itself out in the open.
Plus it was just a matter of time
that it’ll fall into the hands of people with dreadful intent.

I just felt like I was betrayed.

So, as I try to revisit everything in here.
Assessing every single thing that will make me want to continue
maintaining my music relationship with this site.

We’ll see how it goes eh?

Backstage Fixes

I am currently modifying
the audio player for this site.

I really did not like the idea of having too many pages
under the Chorus page as well.

I will be changing that soon.

So the songs will not be available for listening
for a couple of days.
Not that you guys really listen to them.

I am just kidding.
I know you guys do.

That’s why I think you are the greatest web surfers
in the history of the internet.


Pentatonic Power

Here’s Bobby McFerrin
demonstrating the Pentatonic Scale.

The reason I shared this with you is because
it is the only scale I know on the fretboard.

And because of its power,
I am able to bullshit my way around a song.
I am serious.

Okay, I lied.
I also know the Major Scale.

Which doesn’t really mean much since,
everyone knows the Major Scale.
(Do re mi fa so la … and so on.)

I learned that from the Sound of Music.
That and Nuns are hot!

Dyaryo Noventa Y Uno

Let me introduce to you,
Our new Bosco 91 Newsletter website.

Many of you know,
Don Bosco is my alma mater.
And me and my Bosconian brothers have been keeping in touch
throughout the years.

I would like to invite you all
To check out our official Web Site.

I have also contributed my writings in there,
As well as my fellow brothers and their amazing articles.
You may advertise your business with us as well.

So come on.
Say hello.
Write us a note.
We’re a bunch of friendly, God centered blokes.