Author: Ty

Need To Learn

I forgot.

If we’re going to start this year with LOVE,
then we should also include Forgiveness.

For Love and Forgiveness go hand in hand.

I think that’s where the difficulties lie.

I have a lot of “Love” to give.
“Forgiveness” is something I have to learn.

Twenty Ten

2009 wasn’t as good as I hoped it to be.
In fact it has kicked me right down to the curb a couple of times.
I am pretty sure I was not alone in this.

And as always,
Here I am.
Here we are.

Trying to do better.

Let us try to start this year right.
Start it with LOVE.
(And maybe some cake too.)

Happy New Year to all!!

Last Post for ’09

This is it.

This is my last post for 2009.

I didn’t get the chance to greet you guys Merry Christmas.
So, Merry Christmas!
And we’ll see what 2010 is going to give us eh?
Best of the New Year to everyone.

Oh and here are a couple of things I have learned this year.

-People still suck.

-Experience is what you get when you did not get what you want.


-Too many people buy things they don’t need,
with money they don’t have,
trying to impress people they don’t even like.

Happy New Year tomorrow!

2 more days.

My cousin once said that,
“Christmas is not a date. It’s a State-Of-Mind.”

I only have 2 more days, and I am nowhere near any Mind-State.

No spirit neither.
I m beginning to have doubts of it ever coming.

We’ll see eh?
2 more days.


Guess what freakin’ died on me today?

My TV !!!

I have no money, nor the time to get another one.
Just Effing beautiful!
Merry Freakin’ Christmas, Ty!


Santa called last night.

I apologize about yesterday’s post.
I was upset.
And confused.
And drunk.
(I’m just kidding. I wasn’t confused)

But you do understand why I was furious, right?

Let’s just carry on with the Christmas shopping and
enjoy the agony of commercialism.

Nope. As I found out,
it wasn’t Santa who called.
It was one of his Elves.

I guess he has to have someone do the dirty work for him.

Santa is a Jerk!!

Yes you heard me right!
The guy is an ass!

I am not going to put any disclaimer here
About the validity of the red suited freak.
Because I am sure none of you believe in him anymore
and I know that no kids ever read my site.

If you still do, well then good for you.
And if you are letting your kids read this website…
What the hell is wrong with you???


A Fun Place

If there is one thing I know I have,
is a Sense-Of-Humour.

I have to.

I certainly am lacking in the “Looks” category.
Not to mention the “Rich and Famous” part.
And I am most certainly not hip with whatever the “in” things are nowadays.

But, as weird as I am,
I am definitely sure, I have humour.
I hear people tell me that all the time.

But today,
A co-worker of mine told me something
that may have been the best compliment I have ever heard.

“Ty, your head must be a fun place.”

I’ve never heard that one before.
I was actually taken aback, after hearing that.
I would like to think of it as a compliment.
I like making people laugh.

My head is a fun place.
It’s filled with great ideas and fun stuff,
Filled with laughter, music and dancing.
Filled with chocolates and pies and candies.
Filled with voices and questions.

Imagine what else I can do,
if they take off my straightjacket.

New Song Added – Hands To Heaven

I tried to play a couple of new songs yesterday,
but this cough wouldn’t let me.

Maybe it’s Nature’s way of telling me
to shut the hell up.

But that wouldn’t stop me from sharing my misery with you.
So I give you another song I have dug from my archives.

Hands to Heaven

Music by – Breathe
Voice and all Instruments by – Ty Martell

I recorded this in 2006,
when I was still experimenting on how to record
multiple instruments.

I used to play the guitar and sing it at the same time,
but not anymore.
With the advancement of technologies available now
I can create most of the arrangements I have in my head one at a time.

I am just kidding. I just never figured out how to do multiple tracks then,
so I did it “Live.”
Then add the Bass, harmony and whatever guitar-solo-noodling I do, later.

Now you might be asking yourself,
“Why in the world would I listen to your crap, Ty?”
And why do you keep posting them online?”

Well, first.
I am sick and you should feel bad for me.

I am a sad, strange individual,
and you should give me some pity.

And third,
When I am old and decrepit,
alone with my cat,
I have proof that I used to play music.

And not just pretend that I did
when I tell stories to the younger kids.

Or tell stories to my cat.


It sucks to be sick.

Yes it does.
I have had this cough for more than 2 months now.
It is not as bad as when it started, but I feel it getting worse.

Yes I have seen a Doctor.
But the cough is still here.
And I am not going back there anymore.

For those of you who don’t know me,
You wouldn’t think that I am a sickly person.

If you actually get to see my appearance,
you would probably think that I am person who likes to eat candy.
And cake.
Maybe a bit of donuts too.

But I get sick a lot.
I don’t even smoke. (Never did!)
I don’t even drink. (Not anymore!)

My immune system is as strong as
Superman chewing on Kryptonite.

I really do not mind the flu.
Nor the colds.
Nor the plague.
It’s the coughs I hate.
I really do.

I do not have any ending for this post.
I am just pouring out my frustrations.

Not on this site.
But on this cake I am about to munch on!