Author: Ty

Tweet Face

Alright. I gave in.
I signed up on Twitter.

Don’t judge me!
I have a valid reason.

To be honest, I really do not see it benefiting me nor my site.
I am not a celebrity and I do not see me being followed by massive numbers.
My talent is mediocre at best, like I said.
Although you should hear me sing while taking a shower.
I sound epic-ly awesome!

I signed up on Twitter to keep my site name from being used.

A couple of years ago, I found out that someone signed up on MySpace
using the name denofmusic.

Click Here.

These days, you know how dangerous and confusing
being involved in a mistaken identity fiasco could be.
Not to mention compromising your presence on the internet,
where anyone can pretend as you.

But be assured that here at,
we do not spam, solicit nor send any form of questionable material to anyone.

Sure, my presence may cause some form of disgust, nausea and a slight intestinal discomfort,
but that’s how God made me, and I can’t do anything about that.

So, let’s see how this Twitter thing is eh?
We’ll see what the kids are getting into these days.

And anyone who’s experienced with it,
please throw me a tip or two.
I am still learning.

Oh and we’re on FaceBook too.

I was on Friendster, Youtube and Multiply too at some point.
So you might see me there.

My God! I’m a Networking Site addict!

I need help.

Post Cards

Ah, the tradition of sending postcards.
I got 2 Post cards from my good friend, Herschelle,
when she visited Australia and New Zealand.
Two places I can never go see.
But I am lucky enough to be included with the people she sent postcards to.

I forgot how much I enjoy getting postcards.
I remember when I was a kid, and my Mom would send me some
from when she was in Europe.
I even remember staring at them, smelling them,
wondering what it would be like being in that same place.

I still have those postcards up to this day.

I am very grateful about little things like that.
Because people took the time to do something for you.
They really didn’t have to do it, but they did.

Even leaving a comment on this site.
(No, I am not asking for a comment)
I like it when people leave notes on my posts.
They didn’t have to, but they did.

With all the Social Networking sites out there,
I still have my regulars who never fails to check my site once in a while.

Even Birthdays.
It matters a lot to me when someone greets me on my birthday.
Even people I am not very close with.
They would take the time to email, text message or call.

It may be a simple thing, but it is a genuine unselfish thing.
Something this world needs a lot more of.

I got their attention.

Uh oh!

I got NBC’s attention.
Someone from their servers accessed my site,
according to my tracker shown here.

Along with that idiot spammer,
NBCUNI stands for NBC Universal

Well, that’s good.
I hope they read what I wrote

Here and here.

Watch it,
I’m going to get a letter from their lawyers
telling me to shut the hell up.
And force me to take down that picture I snapped from my TV.

Then I’ll tell them NO!
I’ll be like,
“Read my DISCLAIMER you fools!”

Then, they’ll be like,
“We did! You twit!”

Then they send me to jail.

Then I’ll be like,
“Oh crap!”

Oh well.
That’s fine.
I don’t care.

Jail shouldn’t be that bad.
Prisoners get fed 3 times a day.
And get free cable.
And they get to learn Michael Jackson dance moves.

Plus I already have a prison name.

I shall be known as (Frida the Fabulous) T-BONE the Terrible

*I’m kidding! Please don’t sue me! I am too fragile for jail!


As of today,
I have added a feature for this site
to be compatible with mobile devices.

My traffic stats has shown that **6.92% of browsers
that access this site are from a mobile device.

So if you are mobile, and you’re trying to check my site,
you will automatically be directed to the new page.

I can only test this using an iPhone,
so if anyone is using a different device,
please inform me of how it looks.
I would greatly appreciate it.

More specifically, if you can access the music player.
Because currently, the iPhone does not support Flash.
And Flash is my current Music player of choice.

This mobile page feature is still under testing
so I apologize if it may be down from time to time.

Thank you.

**Do not be fooled with that statistic.
A good 5% of that is from my own phone

PPS – Well. Apparently, that plugin is only for the iPod touch.


A Pause…
for the unfortunate event in Chile.

A moment of Silence and Prayer for the people and their families
who perished from last Saturday’s Earthquake.

May they rest in peace.

…and then it happened.

Regulation was over, down to Sudden Death Overtime.
Iginla slid down the puck to Crosby, after battling the corner with Suter.
Sidney Crosby, releases the puck onto Miller…

..and then it happened.

A historic Sonic Boom exploded
from every Canadian heart.


I just witnessed the greatest game of hockey
in this new generation.

Crosby removed his mouthpiece,
threw his gloves and stick on the ice,
Team Captain Neidermayer hugs him,
then Iginla hugs him,
then the whole team hugs him.
then Canadians hugged each other.

I hugged my son.
After he repeatedly screams at me for freakin’ him out.

Thank you to all the athletes.
Thank you, Canada.
I am proud to be one of you.

Je m’appelle Tyrone!
and Je suis Canadien!!!!

*Image credit to NBC
I paused my DVR and took a snapshot of history.
They might issue a letter to me to take this picture down
due to copyright rules, (I don’t know).
But they might, since they have no hearts and they all work for the devil.

— and a little video to end the Olympic fever.

I Believe

This Olympic Slogan has a double meaning for me today.

First, I believe in the success of Canada and its Olympians.
Especially with today’s Men’s Hockey Gold Match.
I have waited for this day with the utmost thrill.

Second and most importantly,
On a personal note,
We have heard some ill news in our family.

“I Believe” will have to take precedence for the benefit of my kin.

As much as I love for Canada to get Gold,
Family comes first.

With Glowing Hearts!

I have been busy these past few weeks,
with my Birthday trip to Ottawa,
and seeing all my wonderful family and friends, (not to mention how they contributed
to the massive weight gain I have accumulated)

I have not written anything about my favorite Sports event.

The 2010 Winter Olympics.

I know I am so late with this,
But I just got the chance to write this,
right after Canada conquered Russia in Men’s Hockey,
and I am allowing my vocal cords to recover.

I should have updated my site days ago,
But as I have said before, and it is no secret here,
that when the Olympics are on,
I am useless to be around! All I do is watch it.
I am pretty much as useless as a fart in a Jacuzzi!

What? Too gross?

Okay, how about as useless as a belt on a plumber?

No? Still too obscene?

As useless as Tiger Woods’ apology?
Too insensitive?

Well, too bad. I am sticking with that!

I am ending this and take a shower.
I haven’t bathed since we lost to the US in the quarterfinals.
The cat won’t lick me anymore.


Thank you!

I would like to thank everyone who remembered.
You are all cherished.

*A little story about this cake.
We went to the Merlot Revolving Restaurant in Ottawa,
and my son whispered to the server,
“It’s my Dad’s Birthday today. Can you do something for him?”

The guy said, “I’ll take care of it.”

And a couple of minutes later,
here comes my birthday slice.

Sweet kid, huh?
So I gave him the cake after he helped me blow the candle.

Click HERE for pic.

It truly was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.
Thank you so much.

And a Happy Valentines to all.