Author: Ty

Music Connects People

I have mentioned once or twice on this site before
about how Music connects people.

Or at the very least
people with similar music preference.

Music is universal and readily available
But it still has an acquired taste.

You will not join a music fan club that does not fit your liking.
And you favor the interaction with other people
who likes the same type of Genre that you enjoy.

Then they become your friends or connections,
even if you haven’t really met them in person.

Music connects people.
Music is the bridge that makes that happen.

In saying that,
I would like to tell you another proof that solidifies that statement.


Other Dens

Look it!
It’s on my sidebar.
Other places where I can get stalked.

I called it “Other Dens” for now.
Since I can’t think of anything clever.
Which makes it kind of consistent with whatever I write on here.

Follow me on those links.

Friend me up.


I am lonely.

Musical Dream

Last night I dreamt this awesome chord progression,
And some guy from a distance banging a rhythmic beat.

I wanted to play it as soon as I woke up,
but I couldn’t remember any of it.

I hate that!

But if I dream about people who piss me off,
I can give you every single detail.

I hate that even more.

Another T.N.T.

Tyler’s New Thing-ies

Enter Scene:
After an argument while
Father and Son are playing video games:

Father: “Ok! I am sorry. Don’t be mad at me.”
Son: “I am not mad at you, Dad. You’re the best guy I know.”
Father: “Aww. Thank you, Son.”


Son: “But.. You’re the only guy I know.”

Funny Kid.
Good luck sleeping outside.

Add that to the list.

Driving to work today made me realize
that one of the things that truly make me happy
is when I sing loudly in my car.
I mean, I really belt it out.

I sing along to the mixed CD’s I have in there.
And even though it hurts me when I am done
like someone-punched-my-throat- kinda hurt,
I still enjoy it.

No matter how much I am dreading to get where I am going
or how bad my day went,
Singing in my car lifts me up.

So, add that to the list.
My list of “Things That Make Me Happy.”

Which includes:
-Singing in the shower
-Movie Marathons
-Not giving a damn what anybody says.

Father’s Day 2010

You know how sad it is when you never got to tell someone
all you wanted to tell them while they were still around?

So, uh…

Even though you’re gone,
I still have a lot to tell you.

– I’m alright.
– I called Mom.
– I’m trying to be better.
– The Celtics lost to the Lakers.
– No. Houston didn’t make it.
– I did that thing you told me.
– I’m sorry about the car.
– Yes. They still love your jokes.
– Except that one.
– Everybody misses you.
– I miss you too.
– I’ll call Mom again.
– Happy Father’s Day
– Oh and I love you.

Happy Father’s Day
to all Dads out there!

New Song Video Added – Ako’y Pinoy

Ako’y Pinoy!
(I am a Pinoy!)

Pinoy is a slang word that we call us Filipinos.
Much like a “Canuck” for Canadians.
Or “Crazy Americans” in uhhh America.

In celebration of the Philippine Independence Day,
I made this cover of a great OPM Inspirational song.

It’s a song by Florante,
a great Folk Singer I used to listen to
back when I was growing up in Manila

It’s a song proclaiming about One’s love for his own language.

My Webcam wasn’t cooperating with me much
while I was filming this, and my Stereo Plug connection keeps on popping.
I am sorry, this is the product of my exhaustion and laziness.
Pardon the mistakes as well.

Here is Ako’y Pinoy.
Music by Florante
Covered by – Ty Martell


As you may have noticed,
I added the Facebook “Like” button, on the individual posts.

Let’s see if that would be a good start to integrate this site to
those social networking pages.

I’m testing it for now.
I am not sure if it’ll last.
I already took out the twitter sidebar.

It won’t show on the front page. (**update** – it now does)
It has to be on the actual post.
Man, I am really sucking on this web maintenance gig.

I’m trying to get ideas on making this site grow.
And I am out of them.

No inspiration whatsoever.

Connected by Music

I have mentioned here in my site multiple times
that the most requested song I have covered is
I LOVE YOU, by Bro. Mike Lapid.

I have longed to get in touch with him so I can properly send my sincerest thanks.
As well as inform him that I have been distributing his songs to those who have requested for it.

Well, it finally happened.
With the help of a certain individual, who knows Bro. Lapid personally,
came across my site and made this connection possible.
