Author: Ty

Jam Time!

Check out these song books my cousin Reggie sent me
from the Philippines.


I am so going to jam all weekend!
My fingers are going to get a workout.
My voice will destroy my throat.
And my hands will molest my guitars!

Let the Rocking begin!

Why? – #2

And why do I cover a lot of other people’s music?


Because I am not too good at making my own. My brain doesn’t work that way.

If an original thought ever come across my head, I might actually die.
Or release some bodily fluids.

Or both.


Why do I have this blog and post my thoughts and music into it?


How else am I going to tell the world that no one listens to me?

I think that’s funny.


Enter scene:

Kid is trying to tell the story of a movie he saw.

Son: “..and then, they all chased the good guys with spears, and…”

Father: (Trying to be funny) “Wait! What kind of spear? Was it a Britney Spear?”


Son: “Uhh, no. Just a regular spear.”

Carry on.
He’s still okay.

Clean Up

I am in the process of re-structuring the Photo Galleries.
I might completely use a different Application Software, I don’t know.
Assessing the mayhem on that one is a task in itself.

But I’ll start with the Users.
There are currently 92 accounts registered to view the photos,
but most of them haven’t logged in for a good year or so.
So I am going to have to delete a whole bunch of it.

I also removed the ability to register for now,
since I get a lot of false registrations from Spammers.

If you are still interested in viewing these pictures,
please message me for now, and I will create you an account.

Though there’s really nothing very interesting in these galleries.
Except maybe for that time when I was doing that thing when I was .. you know what.
But that’s not important right now.

I also noticed that I haven’t uploaded anything in a while,
so that is something I am going to have to remedy, and add a lot more.

In closing,
I know it’s easier to view personal photos on Social Networking sites,
And I do post stuff on there from time to time.
But I still need to remind myself that that is not mine.
Facebook and other sites will end someday.
Or I will get tired of it.

At least with this site and this domain,
it is all mine.
And I worked hard on it.

Sure, I have been tempted to shut this down a couple of times,
but it is nice to look back on all my works just to give myself a perspective on who I was
and what I have become.

Thank you to those who are loyally checking my site.

And when I say “Those,”
I meant you, Mom!

( I need Money.)

Do you?

Do you ever get that feeling
that something isn’t right?

Like everything is not what they’re supposed to be?

Do you?

Me neither.

It’s my lie.
I’ll tell it how I want.