I am in the process of re-structuring the Photo Galleries.
I might completely use a different Application Software, I don’t know.
Assessing the mayhem on that one is a task in itself.
But I’ll start with the Users.
There are currently 92 accounts registered to view the photos,
but most of them haven’t logged in for a good year or so.
So I am going to have to delete a whole bunch of it.
I also removed the ability to register for now,
since I get a lot of false registrations from Spammers.
If you are still interested in viewing these pictures,
please message me for now, and I will create you an account.
Though there’s really nothing very interesting in these galleries.
Except maybe for that time when I was doing that thing when I was .. you know what.
But that’s not important right now.
I also noticed that I haven’t uploaded anything in a while,
so that is something I am going to have to remedy, and add a lot more.
In closing,
I know it’s easier to view personal photos on Social Networking sites,
And I do post stuff on there from time to time.
But I still need to remind myself that that is not mine.
Facebook and other sites will end someday.
Or I will get tired of it.
At least with this site and this domain,
it is all mine.
And I worked hard on it.
Sure, I have been tempted to shut this down a couple of times,
but it is nice to look back on all my works just to give myself a perspective on who I was
and what I have become.
Thank you to those who are loyally checking my site.
And when I say “Those,”
I meant you, Mom!
( I need Money.)