Author: Ty

Sars me up!

Today’s forecast,

at least we had a nice week of summer.

And today’s rant would be

You know Tracy works in the US,
and drives an hour and 15 everyday to get there.
Well, since it is snowing like the bombs in Baghdad,
I drove her to work, because that’s just how I am.

Since she gave birth to my son,
It would make me feel better knowing that she made it there safely.

So obviously, she gets to cross the US-Canada border twice everyday.
And what is it with border crossing that makes me so nervous?
I have no drugs, no ammunition or firearms.
I have no plans to cause trouble,
but it really does make me nervous.
Like dry mouth nervous, which makes my speech slurred,
and which makes them doubt me when they ask me questions.

When they ask me what my citizenship was,
I would say,


All good, right?

Then they ask me, What’s my purpose,
then I’d be like,

“Oh just to drive to the hospital where my lovely nurse here works.”

All fine, right?

Then they’d be like,
“Do you have anything to declare?”

(-note to self, “You suck” is not the proper answer.)

Then they’d be like,
“Where were you born?”

Then I say, “Philippines”.

“Philippines huh?
Would you please pull over to the side there sir and meet us inside.”

What the Faaaaa????

What did I do?

They asked Tracy what her citizenship was and she would say American,
End of Story.

But me, noooooo…
They had to check my status,
criminal records,
how long have I been here,
Who cuts my hair,
Shirt and shoe size,
Number of teeth,
Number of MP3’s downloaded,
Porn sites surfed,
TV program favorites,
Boxers or briefs.

What is up with that??

Okay, okay,
I don’t blame them for double checking because their country is at war,
like it was my fault.

Well, I usually go by the border quite easily and painlessly,
but today, I had to go inside for more questioning.

Tracy was irritated, but not me.
I am used to this.
Coming from a third world country has it’s little inconveniences.

You know what else,
If ever we were greeted by a young person,
about our age, at the border,
everything is cool.
I think they understand diversity better.

But today it was an old man who, from the start, looked at me funny,
while asking me questions.

Okay maybe it was my slurred speech, but that’s not the point.

He’s pretty old,
I mean, like,
– I was at the Korean and Vietnam war kinda old.
So maybe he was like,

“Asian huh?
I don’t trust these people to sit the right way on a toilet seat.”

Plus, Tracy and I are a couple, which probably drove him nuts.
We should have brought Tyler.
That would have brought out the best in him.

So he told me to park by the side and meet them inside.
Tsk tsk tsk, poor old man.
Must have been abducted and abused by an Asian army guy.

Okay okay,
kidding aside.
It’s quite sad isn’t it?
How everything in this world revolve around on how you look?

Now I see what Michael Jackson was thinking.

I just talked to my Mother on the phone, and told her this story,
She said,
Maybe because they think you’re an Asian with the SARS virus.

Phew. Now that totally puts a different perspective don’t it?
They are not being prejudiced.
They are just being careful.

So now the moral of the story would be,

If you see an Asian person.
They have SARS.

Warning, warning

Warning: long overdue rant coming up.

It has been almost a week, since the war in Iraq has erupted.
And I know, you don’t want to hear any of more of this,
but I am going to write my opinion of it since,
it’s going to offend someone, one way or another anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a big fan of war.
And I do not know much of the war for me either to support or condone it.

But I do believe the time for Saddam Hussein to be ousted has come.
But do you think as a dictator, he will step down voluntarily?
This “Leader of a country” who has killed anyone who opposes him, would listen
to the pleas of the U.N. to step down and give up his power?

You think that the U.N inspectors who went to Iraq to see if Saddam really does have
weapons that violate the international law, can disarm him by themselves?

That was just to inspect!!
And if ever there was proof that he was hiding something, what do you think the U.N. will do?

Oh please Mr. Hussein, sorry to bother you but, would you kindly get rid your weapons.
They are kinda not abiding to the rules.

We’ll I bet you Saddam has two words for them.
And one of them is “OFF”

And crap, the inspectors were sent there numerous times, and still found nothing?
You know why? All these inspectors are men.
Men can’t find anything you ask them to.

Inspectors my ass, send them my Mother.
She can find out any misdemeanor my brother and I were trying to plan.
She also found all of our girly magazines,
No matter how hard we try to hide them.
She can smell trouble, a mile away.
Saddam’s weapons are no match for her.

Next, the Media.
I have been glued to CNN since the war started.
And would somebody please tell these people to ease up on the information.
Do they think that Saddam, who owns weapons of mass destruction, does not have cable?
Way to go CNN!,
to proudly announce that the U.S. and Britain military forces
are about to reach Baghdad.
Way to go.

Next, these celebrities who can’t keep their mouth shut.
Listen you over paid, line memorizing, I think I am important because
I was invited to the Oscars – script regurgitator.
Let the government deal with the situation okay?
Do you think Hollywood can do a better job?
Why don’t you go take some acting lessons so I get my $5.00 worth when I rent
your movie at Blockbusters.

Also, why only the Dixie Chicks are suffering from media scrutiny, because of what
they said about George Bush?
What about the others? And what about freedom of speech?
They just said what their opinion was, and that’s just it.
I don’t see them running the country.
Leave them alone!

So what if they are trashing Bush?
Crap, Some Government minister’s here in Canada, even called him a Moron!

Speaking of Canada,
How amazing it is as you consider the U.S. a good friend.
Well, how does it feel to betray your friend in time of need?
I wonder how you would feel if it was the other way around.

In it’s defense though, I think the reason why Canada did not send any military
or army troops in Iraq, is because, we don’t have enough of these brave men and women
to fill up a fighter jet, an army tank or a Hummer.
Our main Battleship is at the Edmonton Mall, guarding the GAP.

And have you ever seen a debate session at the parliament?
Oh my God, what a bunch of Yahoos!
They totally diss and embarrass each other.
Indirectly, I might add.
They say their insults and comebacks thru the Speaker of Congress,
not to each other.
Hey, I guess they have to be polite.

And this one is for the country who has never won a war,
and the president’s name is Chirac.
I hope you are watching the news, and see how a real soldier fights.
Watch and you might learn something.

To the protestors,
We all know that Saddam kills his own people.
He has killed hundreds, if not thousands of Iraqi’s thru Terrorism,
Gas Chamber, and what have you.

Do you seriously think that keeping him in power would promote peace in Iraq?

Are you protesting because, you think Saddam can change his ways or you are just
joining the hype, and you have no clue on what’s happening.

Then again, you say,
“but war is not the answer”.

I know, and I agree.

Just like that song which I can’t remember who sang it, says,
What is it good for, absolutely nothing!”

And if I have any other solution for it, I will be the head of the U.N.
and not here watching CNN like it was the “Family Guy” marathon.

Oh I know who did that song, Chris Tucker, or Jackie Chan.

Now to end this little rant,
Here’s to hoping that the war would not last,
For the innocent people of Iraq to live free and be prosperous,
For the brave soldiers of our time, you are our heroes,
And for the rest to have their regulary scheduled TV Programming.

Thank you.


A dozen diapers,
A travel kit full of butt wipes,
Three bottles of 6 ounces of formula,
A bottle of 4 oz, just to be sure,
Diaper rash cream,
About 8 pieces of q-tips,
Extra clothes,
Car seat,
Toys that hang from the car seat,

Tyler has what he needs.



That’s it,

We’re only gonna be gone an hour.

Mr. Mom

Mr. Mom ,that’s my name,
that name again is Mr. Mom

That’s it.

Today is my last day at work.
I will be on Parental leave
for a good 6 months.

I will surely miss working with my good friends,
Ray, Eric, Garth, Mike and Grant.
They are truly the most excellent and admirable people
I have ever met.

I was having second thoughts about doing this,
but what really made it clear is when Tracy’s Mom said to me,

“Not very many father’s get to have this opportunity,
So take advantage of it.”

Thank you to all those who wished me good luck.
My friends and students at school,
You are all cherished.




Tyler’s Birth Certificate came today.

So, let’s see.

as I review my rant these past few days…..
He was born the 14th of October, 2002.
$25 to register him.
And $35 for them to send us the Certificate.
4 months of processing, until we have received the said Documents.

We get,

– A nice thick Solid paper. ($0.62 at Business Depot)
– On it, a photocopy (not a new printout) of the Registry form that we filled out. ($0.30 again at Business Depot)
– A Province of Ontario Seal.
(Which takes 1 second to actually hold the stamping device and emboss the image.)

And since it was sent to us Via Parcel Delivery,
Approximate time of travel from the government office to our house,
(considering we are not the first on the Route)
I would say about ..hmmmmm 5 hours.

Oh yeah, and did I mention I paid $7,000 in Income Tax?

With all these frustrations,
I am not bitter am I?

“Don’t worry Son, You’re all worth it.”


Went to my Mom’s place,
It was snowing like a Mother Trucker,
And my car got hit while it was parked on the street.

Here’s my damage. —->

Here’s his. —->

I guess I got lucky huh?


Hahahaaaaa!! 29 today!!
My first birthday as a father.

You know, its funny how,
Now that I am older.
And now that my family is what matters the most,
I do not really want anything for me on my birthday.
All I wish for is the best for my family.
And any other that might concern them.

A wonderful life for Tyler.
Great Health for Tracy.
Happiness for the rest of my family.
Good fortune to my friends,
Hunger would end in Africa,
Peace in the Middle East,
and an alternative to the rumor of war between the States and Iraq.

I wish for all of these.
As I blow the candles on my cake that Tracy baked.

….and maybe more RAM for my Laptop,
and also a Video Card, with 128 MB of memory,
probably a GeForce 4, with T&L support.
A nice whooping ATHLON XP 2700+ would be nice,
and an ASUS Motherboard A7M266 to go along with it.
I would love to have the bandwith of a 512MB DDR RAM.
Or that great Server Case Mod my friend Grant has.
While I am at it, It would also be nice to get that new
Playstation game, Devil May Cry 2.
I heard that ones Kicks ass!!

Oh man.. those gifts would be nice.

So anyway…
what was I saying?

I kinda lost my train of thought.

Oh yeah..
Happy Birthday to me!!

and a Happy V.D to all!!

They don’t like me

What is it with me that the Canadian government hates?
Are they purposely making my life harder or they just don’t like me.

I was just thinking what they have accomplished this past fiscal year,
as they have taken $7,000 Federal Tax, on top of the 15% tax I pay for every goods and services.

They have successfully managed to tell all family Doctors
not to take me as a patient.
The stress of not having to find a doctor for Tyler,
until a month before he was born.

How many times have they given Tracy false information on how to go abouts working here.
You would think, since Canada is in shortage of medical people,
they would help everyone who is willing to work here.

But then again, I don’t see many American nurses who wants to work here,
so I guess, they do not know how to answer her.

And you know, for every wrong information they give us,
The process has to start again.
And a fee has to be paid for each process.
So, time and money wasted, and it’s not even our fault.

And let me get this straight,
I have to pay $25 to register that my son was born.
And after weeks, if not months, of that registration to be processed,
I have to pay another $35 dollars for them to give us his Birth Certificate.

I mean come on.
Do I really need to pay $60 dollars
just to let them know my son was born and give us the documents?
You would think, they would know what happens in and out of a hospital since
they control everything in there.

$60 dollars?
My son was born Oct. 14, 2002, We sent them the registry papers a week after.
It’s now almost mid February, and we still do not have the said papers in hand.

Amazing isn’t it?

Another thing,
As it was written, regarding this “Child Tax Benefit” that they promise to you.
The Parent(s) must be a Canadian Citizen, or a Landed immigrant,
to be eligible for the said benefit.

So, since Tracy is American, I win by default.
Again, after weeks of waiting, here’s what they say,

Dear Sir,
Your application for the Child Tax Benefit has been declined
due to the following reason(s);
We recognize and only consider the Mother, to be the primary care giver of the child….

But then,

Tracy got a letter from them, telling her that she may be eligible for the Tax benefit,
if she was only able to prove that she had no income for the previous year.

Hmmm, so let me get this straight.
We have to prove to you that she did not work last year?
How do you prove that?
How can you prove that you did not work?
You submit to them your income tax return and
wouldn’t that tell them what you earned when you worked?

But how do you prove otherwise?
And Tracy was not eligible to begin with.

Please, anybody,
can someone explain that to me.

And what is up with the Gas prices?
As of this writing, we enjoy a good deal of 83 cents per liter.
And this is how it breaks down,

As of the year 2000,
38.1% you pay for the crude oil,
46.3% for taxes,
and 15.6% to the refinery.
Unless my eyes prove me wrong,
The tax is worth more than the gas itself.

That’s why I take the bus,
as I wait at the bus stop in -35 Celsius weather,
hoping that they would not go on strike.
Crap, they threaten everyone every 6 months that they would go on strike.
I don’t care, as long as they announce it before I buy my bus pass.

And to finish my day today,
We received a letter from the “Office of the Registrar” with regards to
Tyler’s Birth Certificate.

It seems that it will be delayed again because it says that,
The names we put on our form does not match the names they have on their records.

Now with all the forms we have filled out our whole lives,
You would think, we know how to write our names by now.

Maybe that’s why the government is giving us a hard time.
Maybe that’s why they hate us.

It’s either we are stupid for not knowing how to write our names,
or we are stupid that we are still here.

Ayyyy Dios mio!!!

Best Wishes and Good Fortune!

Kung Hee Fat Choy!
Best Wishes and Good Fortune!

Yesterday was the start of the Chinese New Year.
This year is the Year of the Black Sheep.
I do not know if that’s bad or good, but here’s to hoping it’s for the latter.

I was born in the year of the Tiger.
Tracy was born in the Year of the Boar,
and Tyler, the Year of the Horse.

What about you?
Click here to find out.

Thanks to Emily for the cute picture.

Space Shuttle Columbia

Our condolences to the friends and family of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
These brave men and women, knowing the dangers of their dreams,
Still held on to them, to the very end.

“Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
And let your perpetual light shine upon them.”