February 28,

I Believe

This Olympic Slogan has a double meaning for me today.

First, I believe in the success of Canada and its Olympians.
Especially with today’s Men’s Hockey Gold Match.
I have waited for this day with the utmost thrill.

Second and most importantly,
On a personal note,
We have heard some ill news in our family.

“I Believe” will have to take precedence for the benefit of my kin.

As much as I love for Canada to get Gold,
Family comes first.

Some people are just assholes

So I was at work right,
then I have been asked to talk to this guy on the phone.

He said he wanted to send his client to learn Windows 2000 Server in our school.
No problem.
Though the only concern we have is,
“How comfortable is this guy to start on WIN2K Server,
without taking it’s pre-requisites.”

Understandable enough right?
We don’t know how much this guy knows.

Here was our conversation, and to protect this person’s identity..
we shall call him “technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate” :

Instructor (me) : Good afternoon Sir, this is Tyrone, I work here as an instructor …

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : So what do you want to know?

Instructor (me) : Ahhh , you said you wanted to have your client learn WIN2K Server here. How comfortable is he on WIN2K Pro or Network Technologies?

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Well I never went to school but I taught myself Windows 2000..It’s not that hard. Plus I will teach him some of the stuff about Active Directory and Global Policies ..you know.. those things.

Instructor (me) : Yes Sir, I understand. I learned some stuff too just by playing around with it.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Well… No offense to your school or anything but.. The guys that we hire that graduated there does not know the simplest thing about networking.
I mean even the simplest connection to a shared network drive … they have no clue.. I had to go on the floor and fix it myself. We had to let them go right away. I know my client can do better than most of them.

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed) Well I can’t talk about our graduates but I am sure they are not all like that.

At this point, I can hear Mr. Genius banging on his keyboard…with phones ringing.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Oh I am just telling you our experience with your graduates….I know I can teach my client what I know…Just like now.. I am having trouble with this Windows 2000 server that I am working on..It is starting to piss me off.
I just created users…and I can’t seem to log in…It’s giving me this error ..You are not allowed to log on interactively on this computer.. Do you know how to fix it?

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed with eyebrows crossed) Well I know there are two things you have to do with regards to Policies with Global and Domain Controller.

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : (still banging on the keys) Where is that at? .. (grunts) I know I can fix this…I will fix this eventually..I am just getting pissed right now.

Instructor (me) : (confused and pissed with eyebrows crossed with middle finger pointing to the phone) Well what is your plan regarding your client?

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : Oh yeah yeah.. Can I start him there ..say…next week?

Instructor (me) : Well Sir, You would need to talk again to our Admin’s Councilor about that. And here he is…

Technically challenged ass-whoopin’ candidate : #&*^*#&^#stupid machine&)(*^%*^%$$

Oh my Lord…I think the Earth is full. Please send this guy home.
I need to read and learn how to set the laser printer to stun
if ever I get to meet this guy.

And to set it straight..
I asked our ever loving employment specialist Mia,
if we really do have graduates who got hired at this guy’s company sometime in the past.

And the answer?

They have never heard of it. So this guy was a lying bastard.
Oh man..
I just want revenge..is that so wrong?
I know no school or company is perfect, but I will defend mine with all my might.
Did I ever tell you when I get angry, I get hungry?
Maybe when I get home I think I will order Pizza.

Pizza Hut : Pizza Hut Take Out, Can I help you?

Hungry Instructor (me) : Yes..Pizza Hut?…Your Pizza sucks and it tastes like crap that has been stepped on by a cow!
Can I place a delivery order?

CDI Students let me know what you think.