- “@SimonJCLeBON: all we need is… Lady O'Gaga!” // Haha! I just got that. Good one, Sir. #
- Got some iTunes gift card. I never bought music from them before. Are they all really DRM free now? I guess I can @google that. #nonsense #
- “@brryyy: happy fathers day kuya! woohoo @denofmusic” // Thanks Bro! #rockandroll #
- Dad said, "Once you say your word. You stick to it."
Thanks Dad. I miss you.
RT @HuffingtonPost: #WordToYourFather # - Happy Birthday @jujubizzle
http://t.co/ZQ0GXyS # - "How can this bottle be child proof, Dad? It tells me how to open it right on the lid!" #makessense #
- I just got Paul Gilbert's new album "Fuzz Universe."
It's so awesome I want to smash the thing on my head and eat it! #rockandroll #mrbig # - Also got Eric Johnson's new album "Up Close." I want to melt it, mix it with vodka and shoot it up my veins! #rockandroll #awesometunes #
- Behind the music http://instagr.am/p/GNd6k/ #
- "One of the saddest things in life is to suffer from someone else's stupidity."
#truth #quote #