New Title

From this day forth,
I will no longer be referred to as a Stay-At-Home Dad.
I shall be known as a .. (trumpet fanfare sound)

Domestic Engineer.

This job description clearly states the reason behind this change of title,

* Calculation and management of time, to perform domestic duties safely and effectively.

* Assess and survey the premises for safety hazards and the prevention of child choking emergencies.

* Providing of nourishment by mathematically integrating the exact ratio and proportion between water and formula within the proper temperature.

* Waste disposal management.

* On-Call duties to be performed at variable times whenever the client wakes up in the middle of the night, hungry or just for re assurance.

* And to top it off, supplier of entertainment.

Pretty cool huh?

—– That last one is the hardest, since that “peek-a-boo” trick isn’t cutting it anymore.