Made My Day

These days,
where everyone is going about their busy lives,
it is nice to hear how you are appreciated from time to time.

Sometime last week,
My co-worker, who said this to me before,
came to my office and told me this.

“Ty, I just want you to know how we appreciate you.”

I said, “Thank you.”
And I asked why?

“First I want to thank you for being so patient with us whenever we need help.”

“Okay.” I said.

“This weekend, my mother got a laptop for the first time, and I was showing her how to use it.”
My co-worker replied.
“You know, just showing her the email and the internet.”

“That’s great!”
“How did it go?” I asked.

“I almost killed her!”

Maybe “Kill” wasn’t exactly the word that was used.
But anger and frustration was definitely conveyed on our conversation.

I didn’t really care if murder was on the six o’clock news that night.
But that story really made my day.